Kili - under the stars

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Erebor was rebuilt, you knew you should be happy. For the most part, you were, you were so happy the dwarfs had a home, they had what was theirs. Another part of you felt lost, empty and alone, you didn't have that, you had no home to go to.

You weren't sure what the feeling was, why you felt so longingly for a place to call home. You knew Erebor would welcome you with open arms, Thorin would more than happily give you room in his kingdom, but you knew it wasn't this that kept you awake most nights, it was the longing not for something, but for someone.

Sighing, you stood under the stars gazing up, the twinkled and the moon shone down on you, it almost made you feel as if you belonged. Slipping your shoes off you padded a bit further onto the grass and stretched your arms above you before setting them against your head.

"(Y/N)?" A soft voice called.

Turning you saw Kili stood there looking a bit uncertain, he didn't stray from the path though like you had. He wasn't in his normal armour, he was in his usual trousers and a blue tunic.

"Hey." You smiled.
"Are you alright? Fili said you'd been out here a while."
"Just admiring the stars."

Turning back to the sky, you heard Kili walked closer until he was at your side again. He stood a bit taller than you. Flicking your eyes up to him, you quickly looked away.

"Why are you out here?" You asked.
"I was looking for you."

Humming you waited for him to carry on.

"I was going to see if you wanted to go to the library."
"You don't like reading."
"But you do." He countered.

Laughing a little you nodded and faced him as you lowered your arms back to your side.

"The real reason you were looking for me?"
"To spend time with you.." he muttered.

Kili went silent again until he suddenly too your hands in yours and looked at you eagerly. You wouldn't lie and say your heart didn't beat a little faster when the dwarf looked at you in such a way. For it did, it skipped a beat whenever you saw him looking at you.

"Dance with me?"
"Right here, right now. Dance with me (Y/N)?"

Biting your lip, you glanced at his eager eyes, they held so much happiness you couldn't help but smile and nod. Kili cheered and kicked of his boots as he joined you in being bare foot.

"May I?" He offered a hand.
"You may." You laughed.

Taking his hand, Kili pulled you into him, his hands went around your waist and yours went to his chest as you gently balled the fabric of his tunic.

Kili begun to sway you both softly from side to side, guiding your steps with his wordlessly. With a content smile, you rested your head on his shoulder and slipped your arms around his neck.

"This is nice..." you muttered.
"It is, we could... we could do it more often?"
"I'd love to." You said softly.

Again it went silent, Kili lifted you up and placed your feet on his as he moved. Using the extra height, you rested your chin on his shoulder and closed your eyes as he did the same thing, moving his hands from holding your waist to circling his arms around you and grasping the back of your tunic.

You could Kili play with the ends of your hair as he hummed softly, his swaying soon coming to a stop. Opening your eyes, you leaned back a little, clasping your hands behind his neck to look at him.

"(Y/N), can I tell you something?" He asked gently.
"Of course." You smiled warmly.

Kili leaned his face closer, his eyes closed as he nudged your nose with his. Closing your eyes you copied him.

"I think I love you, I think you're my one..."
"Kili...?" You whispered.

Leaning in, you pressed your lips gently to his before pulling away after a few seconds. Opening your eyes, you admired the sight before you. His lips stayed slightly parted, his eyes still closed, his hair slightly messy from the wind and a small smile graced his face.

"I know I love you my darling dwarf, my sweet hero..."

Kili was quick to kiss you once more, his arms tightening around you as he pulled your body flush against his, and your arms wrapped around his neck once more as you eagerly kissed him back.

When the need for air got to much you pulled back and rested your head on his shoulder once more, he placed his cheek on your head, your new favourite memory happened under the stars

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