Fili - Gone pt 2

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For the rest of the journey Fili never removed your necklace, he never let anyone take it off him. Not even the elves, though he did show them what was on it, and scowled as the laughed.

Now, as he stood with a sword pointed at him, he gently dropped the ring and prayed it would work.

Thorin gazed in horror as his nephew was about to meet his fate, but movement out the corner caught his eye. Bilbo, Dwalin and himself turned.

"(Y/N)?" Bilbo muttered.

The hobbit was right, it was you, but you also looked different. You had two horns on the sigh of your head, two large grey wings behind your back and elf-like ears.

"Let him go." You snarled.
"Or what?" The orc snickered.

In the blink of an eye, you were before him, hand around his throat while one of your wings protective hid Fili. With ease you threw him onto the ice below for Thorin and glared at the other who whimpered and ran away.


You let Fili go and took a step back, avoiding his gaze. Neither of you spoke a Kili came rushing up and quickly ran to his brother.

"(Y/N)?" The younger dwarf asked.

You didn't reply, you turned around and started to walk off, but a hand caught yours and you stopped.

"You left..."
"I know." You whispered.
"You didn't say anything..."
"I know."
"You didn't tell us about what you were..."
I know.."

Turning slightly, you connected eyes with Fili and turned away, watching as Kili walked a bit away to leave you two.

"I should never have come..."
"But I would have never met you." Fili said hurt."
"Maybe that's not such a bad thing..."

You went to pull your hand away but Fili kept a tight hold, he walked around to face you and you saw his red brimmed eyes and the familiar chain around his neck.

"How could you say such a thing?! Everything would have been much more dull without you! Your my light and without you this trip would have been much darker." He said sternly.
"I'm different."

Fili squeezed your hand and leaned in a little closer.

"We're all different."

You cracked a smile and your electric blue eyes went back to the normal (E/C) colour they had always been. Though your horns and wings stayed out. Holding Fili's hand, you two turned to see Thorin on his back and your eyes widened.

Letting go of the Prince's hand, you took the sword from the ground and jumped, with a powerful beat of your wings you glided down and slammed the sword into the orc just before Thorin dropped his.

The orc flew back due to the force and you landed next to the dwarf king.

"Thorin!" Bilbo yelled running over.

He dropped down and smiled in relief. Thorin's eyes stayed on you though, but they weren't full of hate or spite like you through, they were full of relief and joy.

"You were going to drop that sword on purpose." You huffed.
"Perhaps, but that doesn't matter now." He chuckled.

Picking up Thorin with ease, you asked Bilbo to gather the others and you flew him down the tower to the now quiet battle field. Placing him down he seemed shocked.

"You healed my foot?"
"I wasn't going to let it bleed."
"Thank you." He smiled.

Everyone rushed around the king, and his Company pushed forward and cheered all relived to see him alive and well. Smiling to yourself, you walked away and sat down on a rock in the quiet. Closing your eyes you sighed.

"What are you?" A voice asked as a hand ran through your feathers.

Opening them again, you saw the whole company around you and you guessed it was Fili with his hand on your wings.

"I'm unsure. No one really knows, though I am part elf."
"Clearly you did not get the height."' Gloin chuckled.
"Clearly not." You laughed, "but I'm unsure of who I am or who my parents were. Gandalf and Elrond raised me."

They all nodded, and smiled at you. Thorin walked over to you and quickly pulled you in for a hug.

"I was wrong about everything I said. You do belong, you're one of us. I shouldn't have doubted you."

Hugging him back you were pulled away by a jealous Fili who wrapped his arms around you and scowled at his uncle.

"Mine." He huffed.
"I'm yours?" You chuckled.
"Yes." He said before his face softened, "well.. this is.. if you want too...?"

You gazed at him for a second before wrapping a wing around him lightly.

"Then I'm all yours Fili."

Fili grinned and placed his hands on your cheeks, slamming his lips over yours as every cheered. Your arms went around his neck as you kissed back eagerly, your wing subconsciously wrapped around the pair of you.

When you pulled away breathless, Fili smirked and ran a hand through your feathers again making you hum in approval before opening them.

"Enjoying it are we?" Kili teased.
"Shut up..." you grumbled, slapping him with your other wing.

Once again every snickered and they all smiled at you. Smiling back, you slipped your hand into Fili's and looked at them all, sure, you were different, but they all accepted you and that's what mattered. Most importantly, you had found someone to love, and he accepted your for who you really were

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