Aragorn - Show me

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The fellowship were around the fire talking, what they were talking about you had no idea, you were to busy with your weapons.

"Can we ask you a question lass?" Gimli asked.

Looking up at him, you saw everyone looking at you. Nodding you went back to to sharpening your sword with a rock.

"What are courting traditions for your kind?"

Blinking you put your sword down and lowered the rock. Your wings rustled behind you and you stared at the dwarf before you picked up your dagger and begun to clean it.

"I do not know."
"Wouldn't it be something you are taught?" Legolas asked.
"We are taught one with from birth."
"Which is?"

Looking up, you connected eyes with with each and every one of them. Your eyes held no emotion as you stared.

"To fight."

Gasps were heard all around and you went back to your work. Instantly two little hobbits were in front of you with sad eyes.

"Does that mean you've never played hide and seek?" Pippin asked.

They looked at each other and you stood up. They stumbled back a few steps due to you being so much taller. Sheathing all of your weapons you looked down at them.

"My kind only know to fight, it was we're trained for from the moment we can walk."
"That's sad." Merry muttered.
"Why? It's a dangerous world, many threats."
"But there's also so much to be happy about and enjoy!" Sam argued.

Shrugging you flexed your gold wings and folded them neatly behind your back again. Heading to your bedroll you curled your wings around yourself and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Aragorn stared at the cocoon of gold around you and frowned.

"You should try human customs." Legolas said.
"Like what?"

Legolas grinned and dragged Aragon into the forest.

When you woke the next morning, you opened your wings only to find a handful of flowers in front of you. Tilting your head you gingerly picked them up and looked at them before looking at the fellowship. Most were still asleep, only Aragorn and Legolas were awake. Shrugging, you braided them into your hair and walked away.

This went on for the next month or so, you would go to sleep and wake up to flowers. You'd then braid them into your hair and everyone would smile widely at you. It confused you to no end. Though you liked receiving the flowers, you wanted to know who was leaving them.

This night you didn't go to sleep, you were listening to the sounds of the rain on top of the small ledge. It was a tight fit but everyone fit under, well, nearly. Aragorn was laid half in the rain and he was shivering. With a frown you walked over and sat next to him on the wet ground, stretching a wing you held it over his body and watched as the water slid from the feathers to the floor.

You sat there all night and eventually fell asleep. When dawn broke and Aragorn woke up he was startled to feel feathers covering him.

Carefully he sat up and moved your wing while marvelling at how smooth it felt. He looked at your sleeping frame and smiled a little. Gingerly Aragorn smoothed his fingers over your feathers.

"What are you doing?" You asked quietly.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

He removed his fingers and you removed your wing. Standing up, you stretched, wings arching behind you and flapping a little as they settled again. You looked around and Aragorn seen your frown.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?"
"There's no flowers."

Aragorn's eyes widened a little and he laughed quietly. You turned to Aragorn and narrowed your eyes. He rose his hands and shook his head.

"I'm not laughing at you, i didn't have time to get you flowers I'm sorry."
"You are the one giving me flowers?"

Aragorn nodded his head and took a step closer, blues eyes sparkling as he looked at you.

"Why?" Was all you asked.
"I wanted to try court you, but you said you didn't know the angels courting traditions."

You blinked and stood toe to toe with him, your wings flipped behind you and you leaned your face closer to his.

"Do you love me Aragorn?" You asked.
"I fell in love with you at first sight."

Humming you pressed your lips to his quickly before pulled away. You wrapped a gold wing around him and pulled him into your side as you looked away shyly.

"Will you show me how to be happy..?" You muttered.
"I'll spend everyday trying to make you happy my love."

Turning to him, a ghost of a smile appeared on your lips and you rested your head on his shoulder. Aragorn let out a short laughed and slipped a hand around your waist as you both looked at the horizon.

"Yes love?"
"Will you still get me flowers?"

He kissed your head and tightened his hold on you.

"I'll get you all the flowers your want (Y/N)."

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