Kili - To love a beast prt two

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For the next few months all you thought about was Kili. The fear and pain in his eyes was the last thing you saw, you knew he would be afraid, it's why you didn't tell him, or anyone in the company.

The full moon once again shone bright and you laid by a rock near a river. The rushing water calmed you for a few moments before you picked up a scent further up the river. Stomach rumbling you got up and begun to run towards it. The closer you got the sweeter it smelt. When you were close enough you jumped onto a rock and crouched.

All the dwarfs were enjoying the water, slashing and laughing. The wizard and the halfling were sat on the rocky shore with another dwarf, but your eyes were trained on the young dark haired dwarf once more. He was laughing and splashing, but when he turned around his eyes met with yours and a growl ripped through you.

"(Y/N)?" He asked lowly.

The others turned to watch you as you snarled, jumping down from the rock you bared your teeth at all of them.

"Gandalf is it her?" Another asked.
"It is."

The young dark haired dwarfs eyes shot open and he raced towards you, before you could react his arms were wrapped tightly around you. You froze unsure what to do. Your eyes flickered between (E/C) and yellow. Raising your hand, the others begged and pleaded for him to let go and as you brung it down they watched in horror, but you gently laid your hand upon his wet back and sat down.

He pulled back as you let go, dropping your arms limply to the side as you watched him with (E/C) eyes. Suddenly they flashed yellow and you lunged trapping him below you as you snarled. This time there was no fear in his eyes. You growled lowly and sat on top of him.

"(Y/N)..." he whispered, "its me, it's Kili."

You once again snarled and snapped your jaws besides his head. Kili only smiled and raised his hand to run through the fur on your face, you let out a growl and bared your teeth once more before going for his throat.

"I love you amrâlimê..." he whispered.

You stopped just millimetres from his throat, closing your mouth you pulled your head back a bit. His hands found their way to the back of your head as he gently rubbed your fur. Yellow eyes dissolved into (E/C) once more and you carefully climbed of him, you sat next to him and he sat up.


Your tail begun to wag a little, you check Kili over for any injuries and gave a lopsided grin when you saw he was unhurt.

"It appears your tamed the beast." Gandalf chuckled.
"He... what?" Thorin asked.
"Young Kili here has tamed the werewolf side of (Y/N). What you see before you isn't a wild animal, it is (Y/N) in the body of her werewolf form."
"So if her eyes are yellow it's the werewolf? If it's (E/C) it's her?" Bilbo asked.

Kili stood up, even fully stood up he wasn't anywhere near the same size as you, you had to lower your head to connect eyes with him. He grinned and ruffled your fur even more. Kili pulled back and walked backwards into the water. You watched as he went back to the others and you walked over to Thorin, Bilbo and Gandalf. You laid down and stared into the fire.

Hours later you felt something besides you, peaking an eye open you saw Kili sitting next to you, he was shivering slightly so you curled yourself around him.

"You're so warm." He laughed.

Kili rested his head near yours on the floor and smiled closing his eyes. You reached out and picked him up by his coat and dropped him on your chest with a clawed hand wrapped around him. The others laughed and Kili chuckled, burying his face into your warm fur, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

Morning hit and you felt a weight on your chest, groaning you opened your eyes and looked down, Kili was laid over you. Gently you pushed him off and stood up, brushing your tattered cloths down as you looked around. Most others were up, and a few looked over to you with a smile. You looked away and rubbed your arms nervously feeling the old scars.

"You're up."

Kili walked over to you and took your hands in his as he leaned down a little.

"My little werewolf..." he whispered.

In a flash Kili pressed his lips against yours as closed the space between your bodies. You didn't hesitate to kiss back before you quickly pulled away and shook your head.

"We cant... its to dangerous Kili I'm not stable."
"I can handle it, you won't hurt me love." He smiled.
"I might turn you..."
"You won't, and even if you do it won't be the worst thing that has happened."

You took a look at his smiling face and sighed, pressing your hands to his cheeks.

"We'll take it slow. You must promise never to follow me when I leave."
"You have my word."

Nodding you took a step away, Kili grabbed your hands and led you to the fire, grabbed him food for himself and you he begun to eat, his gaze drifting to your skin.

"Are those all from your shifts?" Fili asked.
"Huh? Oh, yeah most of them are from fighting our lovely wizard. A few from fighting Lord Elrond."

Everyone laughed and you smiled, they were much more relaxed now and they didn't seem to mind that you weren't human. Kili kissed your cheek and wrapped a protective arm around, something that didn't go unnoticed by the company. Thorin smiled lightly and nodded at you. Kili nudged you slightly to make you look at him.

"It's good to have you back, I love you little werewolf."
"I love you too little rabbit." You smirked

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