Lindir - Injured Elf

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The once pure white, snow covered path toward your home was now dripped with red blood from the elf you held on your back. You didn't know what happened to him, or why he was so far up the mountain but you weren't just going to leave him there to die.

Nudging your door open with your hip, you walked over to the fire place and placed him down on the rug in front. He had fallen unconscious before you found him, a snow storm was setting in so you brought him back as quickly as possible.

A small whin was heard behind you, turning to face the snowy white dog, his blue eyes gazed at you with curiosity.

"Come now Thane, go to sleep it's okay."

He whined again but curled up on one of the two chairs and watched.

Closing your door, you locked it and ran back over to start the fire, when it was roaring you stripped yourself of your coat and tucked it under his head. You gently removed the circlet from his head an placed it over the fireplace. You unclasped the buttons of his gown and carefully peeled it away, the wound ran from his ribs diagonally to his stomach.

"Stitches." You whispered to yourself.

Running around you begun to gather medical supplies and one of you largest robes. Laying it beside him you nodded. It seemed a good fit.

Dipping the cloth in the warm water you begun to clean his wound, carefully dabbing the blood away. When you were done you put it in the now red water and grabbed a needle and some thread.

"It's not meant for stitching but it'll do I suppose..."

Ever so carefully you begun to sew his wound close, when it was done you bandage him and removed his top half from his gown. With a bit of struggling you managed to get in into the golden robe and you tied it closed.

Next you grabbed some blankets to cover him and cleaned up the mess you had made, you left his gown to soak in water over night before you would attempt to clean it.

Sighing you sat on the chair reading, occasionally looking at the elf as you tried to figure out what brought him this far up.

Days passed and he hadn't woken. You had sewn his gown together and cleaned it, hanging it up with your own clothes. While you were getting ready to gather more wood when he stirred. Instantly you rushed over to his side with a glass of water, his eyes were open and he was frantically looking around.

"Please, we don't mean any harm. You're hurt, you also need to drink, here."

Lifting his head you brought the glass to his lips and let him drink. When he was done you put in next to him and lowered your head back down.

"W.. where am I?"
"Deep in the mountains. I'm unsure what brought you here sir, but whatever happened you were injured."
"Lord Elrond!" He gasped.

Again he tried to sit up and you pushed him back down shaking your head. Thane rushed over and sat by your side, you saw the elf's eyes shift from him to you.

"You were the only one out there. Whoever it is you were with were not there. I can have another look in a week or two but I can't do much in the storm."
"Is it friendly?"
"Thane? Yes, he's very friendly as long as you don't threaten me."

The elf nodded and Thane sat himself besides him. Standing up you buttoned up your coat and smiled at the elf.

"When you feel ready please make yourself at home. I'll be back in a few hours, do not open the door for anyone okay?"

Nodding you smiled and headed to the door, grabbing your bag and axe. Pulling your gloves one you opened the door and took a deep breath as you slipped into the cold slamming the door closed behind you.

The snow was easily up to your knees and only getting deeper, you would have to be quick. Shuffling your feet under the snow and you begun to shiver. After another hour of walking you found yourself at the wood farm, you started to gather logs, cutting them proved impossible out here. You stacked them in your bag and tied others together before heading back. The crisp air burnt your lungs.

It took another hour to bring them back, kicked the door open you practically fell in as you dropped all the logs on the floor before closing and locking the door again. Stripping of your cold coat and gloves you placed the logs with the others and sat in front of the fire.

"You're up?" You called.
"Ah, Uhm.. Yes!"
"That's good, how do you feel?"

Standing again you saw the elf shuffle in from the kitchen with a jar in his hand. You laughed a little and walked over opening it for him. Thane shuffled past you and laid by the fire as he drifted to sleep.

"I'm feeling better, but hungry. What are these?"
"Cookies, I made them yesterday morning. Have as many as you like."
"Thank you, you have been most kind." He smiled.

Smiling back you headed into the kitchen to make some tea when a thought hit you. Turning to the elf who now sat at your table you gave him a sheepish grin.

"I don't know your name. I'm (Y/N)."
"Lindir, it's nice to meet you (Y/N)."
"You too Lindir."

Turning back around you smiled to yourself as you made two cups of tea. Placing one in front of Lindir you sipped yours as you sighed in content, looking out the window you hummed lightly.

"You might be here for a while Lindir, the storm won't let up for at least a few weeks."
"Really?" He asked sadly.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. When it's over and your all better you can head home."

Lindir nodded and looked out the window with you. He sipped his drink and nibbled on the cookie in his hand as he turned back to you.

"We didn't think anyone lived this far in the mountains."
"There used to be a whole village of us, but many left years ago. My family stayed here, we much prefer the harsh cold."
"You're used to it?"
"Very, I grew up with winters like these. It's in my blood." You beamed.

Lindir chuckled lightly and nodded, he took another cookie and you smiled.

"I'm curious Lindir."
"What about?"
"You don't have to answer, but what were you doing in the mountain during the snowy season? You were very, very far of the trail."

Lindir looked at you and you saw his brows furrow while he was in deep thought, then he looked up at you in sadness.

"I.. I do not remember."

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