Injured elf prt four

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Another week, you and Lindir has grown closer, you often held hands or sad cuddled by the fire.

Today it was the day for him to leave, you had led him to the trail he had come up on and your eyes shone slightly with tears. You always hated saying goodbye.

"Meleth do not cry..." he whispered.
"I will miss you dearly Lindir. I enjoy having you around."

Lindir wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your head. You wrapped you arms around his torso and sighed.

"Perhaps we shall see each other again."
"Perhaps we shall, you never know."

Pulling away you placed a hand to his cheek and he leaned into your touch. Smiling softly you ran your thumb over his cheek.

"You are always welcome here Lindir, Thane and I will both welcome you."
"You will also be Welcome in Rivendell, I'm
sure Lord Elrond won't mind."

You laughed quietly and kissed his cheek as you took a step away, letting your hand fall to your side as you sighed. Thane jumped on Lindir and he chuckled rubbing the dogs fur before he got down. Thane sat at your feet and Lindir adjusted his bag.

"It'll take you two days to get down the mountain, but I have a friend who can speed this up."

You whistled and a white horse came out from the trees, stopping behind the elf.

"This is winter, he can take you down the faster route, it should only take a day. He'll take you to the gates of Rivendell."

Lindir looked between you and the horse with a small smile. He stepped forward and hugged you once more before climbing onto winter. You waved a little and he waved back.

"Farewell Lindir, until the next time."
"Goodbye (Y/N), thank you for everything."

With that Lindir and winter left and you sighed heavily. Trudging back to your cabin you walked in and locked he door as you dropped yourself onto the bed. You really didn't want to admit it but you had fallen in love with Lindir, in the short amount time you knew him you had been captured by his personality. You could go to Rivendell to see him, but you didn't know the way.

For the next couple weeks you spent your time clearing snow, cutting wood and sticking it in your house, you dropped of the toys and got some more food.

As you stepped outside today you stretched and breathed in cool air, closing your door, you smiled. It was warm enough to walk around without a coat which you were thankful for. You and thane headed to the ledge. Looking on the horizon you closed your eyes and pictured Lindir. You wondered how he was doing.

Breathing in, you sat down on the ledge next to Thane, swinging your legs back and forth as you pet him.

While you sleep, dream of me
I'll be keeping our memories

Your voice was strong and full of emotion, it resounded in the valley below.

Living in my heart and soul
Waiting for the day
When we will be together again

Lindir had been walking with Elrond when they heard it. The voice on the wind again.

Carry me to my love
Ov'r the sea to the clouds above
Where I know he is waiting for me
Carry me to my love

The words were as clear as day, full of such raw emotion. He stopped and looked to where it was coming from, though he couldn't see who sang he knew who it was. He smiled softly and closed his eyes.

Ov'r the sea to the clouds above
Take me away to the shining light
Over the waves peaceful at night
There among the stars glowing in the dark
You watch over me
Smiling down patiently

Smiling, you closed your eyes and pictured Lindir once again. You wondered if he could hear it.

Carry me to my love
Ov'r the sea to the clouds above
Where I know he is waiting for me
Carry me to my love
Over the sea to the clouds above

Standing up you placed a hand over your heart and hummed until you sang the next verse as loud as you could.

Carry me to my love
Ov'r the sea to the clouds above
Where I know he is waiting for me
Carry me to my love
Ov'r the sea to the clouds above

Humming you finished the song and kneeled down next to Thane, taking his furry head in your hands as you kissed his head.

"I love him Thane..."

Your voice carried on the wind until it died down, only a whisper of a hum left before it was gone. Lindir opened his eyes and sighed a little.

"It pains you." Elrond smiled sadly.
"Meleth, (Y/N)..." Lindir turned to Elrond, "why do I miss her so?"

Elrond laughed lightly and placed a hand on his friends shoulder.

"Because you love her Mellon."

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