Thorin - the wolf pt 2

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You weren't sure what happened between the time you fell asleep and when you woke up, but all you knew is that you were back in your human form and it was early morning. With a light groan you sat up, the wounds were now scars that left nothing but a dull ache.

Standing up, you stumbled backwards and nearly hit Kili, thankfully you just missed him. Slowly you walked around the dwarfs and to the entrance of the cave where you sat, admiring the sunrise.

"You shouldn't be walking around."

Jumping you spun to the right to see Thorin walking over. He took a seat next to you and glanced over.

"How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay..."

He nodded and turned away. You felt ashamed, sad, not with him but with yourself for keeping it from him. From them. This wasn't how you wanted anyone to find out that you were half wolf.

"Are you disgusted in me..?" You asked quietly.
"Should I be?"
"You saw what I am."
"You're right, but I'm not disgusted in you. I am upset you didn't say anything though, do not trust us?"

His blue eyes turned back to you and you had to look away, you couldn't bare seeing the hurt in them.

"I do. With my life."
"Then why did you not say anything?"
"Because everyone always leaves. Gandalf is the only one who hadn't."

There was another silence, a hand gently took your face and turned it so you were facing Thorin.

"I wouldn't leave you."
"Wouldn't you? Could you say for sure you wouldn't have sent me away?"

There was a short silence and you sighed.


Standing up, you begun to walk out the cave but a rough and calloused hand gently grabbed yours.

"Where are you going?"
"I'm leaving Thorin."
"What? Why?"
"It'll be better for everyone. I'm not sure you'll all treat me the same, I don't want to be feared."
"I can promise you no one will treat you differently, stay."

Shaking your head you slipped your hand from his.

"I'm a wild animal, I'm sorry Thorin. I should never have come."

Kissing his bearded cheek, you turned around and before he could stop you, you ran. Ignoring the pain as you did so, you ran, body quickly changing as paws hit the floor and you disappeared into the night.

The company were heartbroken when they woke up to find you gone. No one spoke as they slowly started their journey once more. Through the trees they looked, hoping to find you but there was nothing.

"Do you think we'll see her again Gandalf?"
"I'm unsure my hobbit, not even I could convince her to come back if we did."

Bilbo nodded and they carried on walking, right into a orc trap. It was instant chaos, while Thorin took down one of them another knocked him over and raised its blade with a grin.

"THORIN!" Bilbo yelled.

The sword came swinging down and Thorin closed his eyes but it never came. Instead the whole field was quiet. Opening his eyes, he took a sharp breath when two gold ones stared straight back.

"You came back..."

Thorin took your furry face gently in his hands as he closed his eyes and pressed his head to yours. You closed your eyes and let out a low whin, nudging him slightly. Stepping back, you allowed Thorin to stand up and gather his fallen sword as he sheathed it.

"Is everyone okay?"

A chorus of yes' and he nodded, ordering everyone to keep moving and they did, he took a step before turning to you.

"Are you coming?" He smiled.

Walking over, you walked along side him, it wasn't until then Thorin really saw how tall you were, easily you were around his height. That didn't stop him from running his hands through your fur though.

Thorin made sure everyone was okay and far enough behind him.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

You nodded your head and changed back, still walking besides him as you clasped your hands behind your back.

"Why did you come back?"
"I couldn't leave." You muttered.
"Because I would miss you all too much. I realised I was to hasty in my choice and I was running away from my conflicted feelings I wasn't sure what I wanted."
"And What is it you want?"

Glancing over at him you smiled, bringing a hand to his cheek as you spun to walk backward you stopped Thorin. Leaning in, you placed your lips to his cheek, leaving them there for a few seconds before pulling back.

"I want you Thorin Oakenshield. I want to help you reclaim your home. I have grown attached to you."
"You would want an old dwarf like me?"
"Indeed, that is, if you'd have a wild animal such as me."
"I would choose a wild animal such as you over a tamed one any day."

With that, Thorin leaned in, kissing you softly he placed his hands to your waist as he pulled you against him. You hands wrapped around his neck, but the pair of you quickly jumped apart when someone cleared their throat behind you. Glaring at Gandalf you changed back into your wolf form and let you a huff.

"Don't be like that, we have a journey to finish."

Whacking the wizard with your tail, you shoved your head between the dwarf kings legs and thrown him onto your back as you continued walking.

"Hey! Why does he get a free ride!" Kili whinned running over.
"Because she's my one, not yours." Thorin smirked.

From on top of your back, Thorin ran his fingers through your fur, everyone smiled at sight, it wasn't often they saw Thorin and peace but in that moment they were sure nothing could bring either of you down. The Dwarf King and The Wolf

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