Lord Elrond - He'll be look after you

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Padding along the halls of Rivendell, you bare feet made little sound as you moved. You weren't really sure where you were going, nor what you were searching for but it didn't stop you.

"Why did I even agree to join Bilbo...?" You whispered.

Being his best friend and sister, it was hard to separate the pair of you. But as the journey went further you found yourself being out of place. Unsure as to why you felt that way you ignored it. Without realising you hand walked to a balcony, over seeing the beautiful city as the sunset on the horizon. Sighing in content, you climbed up the railing and sat upon it with your feet wrapped around it for security. The slight breeze tousled your hair and you closed your eyes letting out a small hum.

You had heard the steps of someone approaching, turning your head slightly you watched as Lord Elrond approached.

"Not with your companions?" He asked gently.
"I shan't be missed." You muttered.

Glancing up at him, you met his warm brown eyes and quickly looked away as your heart beat a little fast. He had beautiful eyes.

"They don't think I should be with them..."
"Indeed. Though, I have heard hobbits are very resilient."

You laughed lightly and eyed him from where you sat.


He hummed, looking at the sun set before turning his head towards you.

"I've also heard they are fond of the comforts of home."

Smiling, you looked away slightly. Focusing on the sunset you sat there peacefully. Enjoying the elf lords company.

"It's true. I do, but I cannot return home without Bilbo. But I am not sure I wish to continue with this quest either, I do not belong, not with them, nor in bag end. I feel as if I am missing something, though, being honest I am unsure as to what."

Shaking your head, you turned to face Elrond and offered him a shy smile.

"Sorry, I'm rambling. I do that sometimes."
"No need to apologise." He smiled.

Elrond stood up and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, bowing his head slightly.

"You are more than welcome to stay here, if you so wish."
"Thank you."
"Do please come down, before you hurt yourself Mellon."

With that he walked away, leaving you there to think. The sun had set and not long after another set of footsteps drew closer, followed by two others.


Turning to face him you saw the look in his eyes and you smiled lightly.

"I know what you are thinking, and I agree with you."
"You do?" Thorin asked.
"Indeed, Lord Elrond has already spoken to me. I will stay."

Gandalf nodded and offered you a quick hug.

"Stay safe (Y/N) Baggins."
"You too Gandalf."

Next was Thorin who walked over and bowed his head towards you.

"It has been a pleasure."
"I hope you reclaim your home safely."

He smiled a little and left you with a teary eyed Bilbo. He climbed up next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you cuddled into his side.

"You'll be okay here?" He asked quietly.
"I will, I'm sure Lord Elrond will take good care of me. You'll stay safe won't you Bilbo?"
"I... I can't make any promises but I'll try my best. Lord Elrond will look after you, I know he will." He smiled.

Hugging him side ways, you let go and smiled sadly as he kissed your head before jumping down. He begun to walk away, offering you one last wave as he left. Silent tears made their way down your face as you gazed up at the stars. Sniffing, you wiped them with the palms of your hands.

Something was draped over your shoulders and you spun out head to find Lord Elrond once again stood beside you.

"Hello..." you sniffed, trying to wipe the tears away again.
"You need not hide them from me." He said gently.
"Do you think they'll be okay?"
"They are in good hands, they have each other."

You nodded and sighed softly, placing your hands on the cool concert underneath you. Swinging one leg over, you sat like that as you pulled the unknown fabric closer around you. It had a calming smell of ink, fruits and something else you couldn't place. It was soft, smooth and from what you could see under the faint light of the moon it was a silver-like colour.

"You should be heading to bed now. It's been a long day."

Nodding once again, you swung your other leg around and looked down at the floor, gulping slightly, you hadn't realised how big it was. Bilbo made it look so easy, but you weren't as graceful. With a deep breath you closed you eyes jumped, stumbling a few steps.

"Goodnight Lord Elrond." You bowed.
"Goodnight Lady (Y/N)."

Scurrying down the halls, you headed to the room he had shown you earlier that day. Pushing the door closed you climbed onto the bed and slipped under the covers, pulling golden cloak Elrond had placed over you to your chest. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, a soft smile on your face, feeling a little better than earlier. Maybe staying here was the best choice

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