The Fellowship - Eternal Lights

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A/N: I might make a part two for this :) if you want to see a certain paring or not let me know and I'll consider it ;)

Sitting in the camp, you gazed up at the sky. As much as you wanted to stay with the fellowship, another part of you wanted to leave. You weren't bound like they were, you knew you could leave if you wanted.

"Are you alright miss (Y/N)?" Sam asked.

You smiled at the hobbit, they had become quickly attached to you. They loved you, you always made sure they were comfortable and as happy as possible, wether it was sharing your limited food with Merry or Pippin, carrying Frodo after he hadn't slept well or giving Sam his blanket when he gives his to Frodo. They adored you.

"I'm just thinking Sam." You nodded.
"Can we ask what about?" Pippin grinned.

Four little hobbits came over and sat around you as the patently waited.

"I am simply thinking of why I am here is all."
"You wish to leave?" Legolas asked.
"I'm unsure."
"You can't leave!" Merry yelled throwing himself at you.

The others nodded and quickly did the same, wrapping their arms as tightly as they could go around your body.

"Aye, I agree, you can't leave, we'll miss you to much." Gimli smiled.
"It wouldn't be the same." Boromir nodded.

Laughing lightly, you wrapped your arms around the four little hobbits. Kissing each of their heads with a fond smile.

"I would miss you all, and someone needs to be here to look after you four."
"We can look after ourselves!" Merry huffed.
"In that case I should stop sharing with you?"
"N... no!" He yelled panicked.
"I'm joking Merry, I wouldn't do such a thing." You chuckled.

Everyone around the camp laughed and you shook your head. Looking at all of them you couldn't bare it in your heart to leave them alone on this journey.

"You've made quite the little family out of us all." Aragorn smiled.
"I have, I wouldn't have it any other way either. I know as my ancestors look down on me they would be proud, they taught us to always be kind to those we meet. That anyone could become family."
"They sound wise."
"Indeed Legolas, they are. I still learn from them to this day. I know they look down upon us and guide us as safely as they can."

Everyone shuffled forward as they smelt a story coming. Gandalf smiled at you from across the fire and nodded his head in approval. The hobbits all shuffled back, Gimli and Legolas sat on one side while Aragorn and Boromir sat on the other.

"How do you know they do miss (Y/N)?"
"You see Sam, where I come from there is a legend."
"A legend?" Boromir pipped up.

Nodding your head, you turned your eyes to the sky and pointed causing them all to look up.

"You see the stars?"

They all nodded and turned back to you with eager faces.

"The stars are believed to be our ancestors, those who have long since passed. They take the boat to after life and are taken there where they are offered eternal life, to live and dance amongst the gods themselves."

You caught Frodo's eyes and brushed some hair from his face before pulling your hand back.

"But in return they must offer only one thing in return."
"What is it?" Gimli asks.
"They must offer guidance for all eternity, they must offer their guidance and protection for those who travel under the starry skies. For those with pure hearts and kind souls."

With those words you looked them each in the eye, even Boromir. Even if the others didn't see it you knew his heart was in the right place.

"They must become the eternal lights."
"The eternal lights?" Frodo whispers.
"The eternal lights will do three things, they will shine down upon you in your darkest hour, they will offer you their protection. It is said when you see the eternal lights, the once long passed are looking down at you and guiding you."

With that you point up, watching everyone's face turn to amazement as they watched the blue and green coloured lights dance across the sky slowly.

"What's the final one miss (Y/N)?" Pippin asks.

Everyone turned to look at you and you looked at the bright colourful sky, standing up. You walked behind them all, kissing the tops of their heads much to Boromir and Gimli's protests. Walking back around you kneeled down and opened your arms. Frodo hugged you first, when he left Sam came up, then Pippin and Merry, then Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli and Boromir, they all hugged you before sitting back down.

You closed your eyes and faced the sky, opening them once more admiring the beautiful lights that seemed even brighter.

"The final thing my friends, is that the eternal light will always be there to guide you home. We have a saying, it's a common saying when one is close to death or setting out to leave. We tell them, 'May lights guide you back home.'"

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