The fellowship - Elemental

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"What's that?" Pippin asked.
"What's what?" Legolas looked at him.

Pippin pointed to a temple covered in moss and vines, it looked abandoned. The stairs leading up where completely covered in moss. The others all turned to it.

"Perhaps we can use it as shelter?" Gimli asked Aragorn.
"That's not a bad idea, let's go inside. See if its safe."

After a bit of searching Boromir found the door and opened it. It creaked open and they all piled in with torches in hand. Inside it was relatively clean, on the walls hung old tapestries, columns held up various items and scrolls.

"What is this place?" Merry breathed.
"I believe it's a lost temple, they used to home monks, the monks were blessed with great power. They could bend a certain element to their will, and with that element it's sub elements." Legolas recited.
"What happened to them?" Sam asked.
"No one knows, they all just disappeared. No one has seen nor heard from the monks in thousands of years. It's believed the kings of old feared their power and wiped them out."

The others nodded and begun to explore. What caught Pippin and Merry's attention was a room with statues in, the lined the walls and when they looked down there was more. In the middle of this room stood a large platform, and on that platform sat a woman. Long (H/C) hair with (S/T) skin. She wore golden robes, she looked just like the others. Her legs were crossed and her hands folded in her lap.

"Wanna Get a closer look?" Merry whispered.
"Definitely." Pippin grinned.

The boys ran across the bridge and got closer to her. Now they could see how lifelike she looked. Pippin reached out and touched her hair.

"It feels like real hair." He whispered.
"She's pretty." Merry whispered back.

Both hobbits stood in front of the mystery woman, curious as to what kind of statue she was Merry reached a hand out to touch her cheek, suddenly her eyes flew open and the boys screamed running back the way they came. Footsteps thudded down the hall and the others came in with their weapons drawn.

"What happened?! Aragorn asked.
"T... the statue!" Merry started.
"We wanted to look at her so we went closer and Merry went to touch her face and her eyes opened!"

Everyone glanced to the pillar where the woman was now set, eyes open and glowing white.

"An elemental..." Legolas whispered.
"What's the difference between the a element bender and an elemental Legolas?" Aragorn asked.
"The elementals can bend all elements. With their meditation they can summon great power, but if they train they can do it without meditating. There's only ever one elemental at a time."

They watched as her eyes dimmed and they turned (E/C). The woman jumped up and they felt a rush of air as she landed. She looked at them and tilted her head.

"Who are you?" She asked softly.

Aragorn stepped forward and bowed his head slightly as he sheathed his sword. The others following suit.

"I am Aragorn, these are Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry."
"Why are you here Aragorn?"
"We were looking for a safe place to stay for the night, we weren't aware this temple was still in use. May we ask your name?"

You regarded him for a moment.

"(Y/N). You may stay at this temple as long as you need, I suggest you wait a few days. A storm is heading this way and will hit tonight."

You took a step forward and looked down at Merry and Pippin, both of them still hiding behind Aragorn. The fellowship watched as you looked around, still slightly confused.

"Come, it'll be safe in the lower levels."

You jumped over to their side and landed softly on your feet as you begun to walk alongside all the statues.

"Who are these people?" Boromir asked.
"They are my past lives."

As you neared the bottom you heard sounds coming from one of the tunnels.

"(Y/N) you have awoken."

A male walked out wearing gold trousers, his bare chest was visible.

"I would like to introduce Caleb, he was the monk that went into deep meditation with me."

Everyone waved at him and he bowed back.

"You were already awake?"
"I awoke a few days ago, a wizard stopped by. Said he didn't mean to disturb me, he was just looking for a safe place."
"You mean Gandalf?" Frodo asked.

Caleb nodded and ushered everyone down the hall. He led everyone into the kitchen as he sat them down and begun to serve up food. Walked over you took a bit of bread and leant against the counter.

"Caleb you haven't seen my stick have you?"
"Misplaced it again?" He sighed.

You gave him a sheepish smile. Rolling his eyes Caleb walked out and returned with a white stick in his hand, he tossed it over and you caught it with ease.

"Thanks, we should start training soon."
"We just woke up."
"Master said it is always good to train as to always sharpen your skills."
"That's good advice." Legolas smiled.
"You said you two went into deep mediation, how long? How do you still look so young?" Gimli asked.

You pondered on this for a while and Caleb shrugged.

"A few hundred years? Maybe a thousand. I'm not sure. As for how we still look young, when one goes into deep meditation their body freezes sort of. Our heart slows down and our breathing becomes shallow, we look almost like a statue. When in deep meditation it's almost like immortality, age can't effect you, nor hunger or thirst."

Everyone nodded amazed. Pippin and Merry stood on their chairs to look over at you.

"Is that why we though you were a statue?"
"Indeed it is little halflings."

They sat back down happy with the answer and carried on eating. With your stick you begun to leave the room. Until a thought hit you, turning around you sat at the table with them all.

"Why are you wondering the depths of this forest?"

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