Elrond - The Pale Rider part two

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You didn't mean to pass by Rivendell, you were meant to avoid that place. But once you caught wind of trouble happening down there, you were quick to rush there.

The sounds of fighting were clear the closer you got. Achilles picked up his speed and you slowly stood from the saddle, knees bent as you neared.

"The pale rider!" Someone yelled.

A few elf's glanced up but quickly went back to fighting the orcs.

Leaping from your horse, tor feet hit the ground and you made quick work into joining the fighting.

Your sword occasionally caught the light of the sun as you fought. You ducked under elf's and made quick work of killing any Orc you could see.

You been caught a few times in the cross fighting between by both Orcs and and elf's alike. You had a few scratches, and you were bleeding a little bit.

But what got you is that just as you turnt around your sword was knocked out of your hand leaving you defenceless.

Rushing the orc, you went to grab your sword, but something pierced your abdomen. Your mouth opened in a silent scream.

Someone killed the orc for you, and his body dropped to the ground next to you.

You dropped to your knees, hands covering the wound. Picking up your sword, you took a breath, using that to help you stand up.

"Wait! You're hurt!" Someone yelled.

Achilles came by and lowered himself to the ground. Trying to climb on him, a pair of hands stopped you and pulled you back.

"Please allow us to help you." He spoke softly.

You pulled yourself away, and you tried to get on to your horse, but you stumbled back. Your vision was blurry.

Before you even had the chance to try get back in your horse, everything went blank and you fell backwards into an elf's arms.

They were quick to rush you to Rivendell.

"What's going on?" Lindir asked.

"The pale rider, she needs assistance."

Lindir was quick to rush you over and they took your to an empty room.

For days you laid there motionless. No one was allowed your your room, beside Elrond who was checking up on you.

As Elrond walked in, you blinked your eyes open and slowly sat up. Hair framing your face.

"I see you are awake."

Lifting your hand, you ran your fingers through your hair and brushed it from your face.

Elrond turnt around just as you lowered your hand, and he stared at you. You had bright (E/C) eyes, that seemed to light up in the evening light.

Across your nose was a long scare, and there was another few small ones scattered around your face.

"Do you mind if I check your wound?" He asked.

You glanced at him and narrowed your eyes, but shook your head.

"Thank you."

You let him lift your shirt and open the bandages. He gave it a quick clean and bandaged it back up again with a small smile on his face.

"It shouldn't take too long, a week of rest and you'll be ready to go again. Are you hungry?"

You shook your head and swung you legs over the side of the bed. Slowly standing your legs buckled and you dropped towards the floor, but a pair of hands grabbed you and slowly lifted you.

"Please, take it easy. You'll hurt yourself even more."

Ignoring Elrond words, you carried on walking, making you way slowly and painfully to the balcony.

With a heavy sigh, Elrond walked over and wrapped an arm around you in order to support you. He led you to the balcony and let go when your arms braced against it and stood with you.

Your eyes were glued to the sunrise, slowly looking over everything.

Elrond watched you, he was mesmerised by you. Something about you just just captivated him.

"Have you ever seen a sunset before?" He asked.

You shook your head, eyes glued to the orange and red sky before you. In the distance and thin mist surround Rivendell.

"In a few days you should be able to walk around freely, but for now you must rest, come."

Elrond held out his arm, you stared it. Hesitating you stared at it, and slowly reached out, gently placing you hand on his arm as he led you back to back.

You hated this, you hated that they knew what you looked like now. You hated that he'd seen your face and he was being really kind to you, you hated it all and you couldn't wait to leave

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