Thorin - A reason to stay

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A/N: the song is called For Dancing and the Dreaming by Peter Hollens

After the battle of the five armies, Thorin had successfully reclaimed Erebor. You had stayed and helped rebuild for a few weeks before you left. You smiled to yourself as you looked back at the mountain.

"Goodbye my friends..." You whispered.

Adjusting the bag on your shoulder, you carried on walking, soon enough coming to the small town of Dale which was full of life.

"(Y/N), how are you?" Bard smiled.
"I'm good my friend, and you?"
"The same, have you decided what you want to do?"

Bard walked along with you as you headed for the opposite side of the city. Bard knew that you weren't planning on staying in Erebor or Dale.

"I'm unsure, I may just explore, visit Bilbo."
"You know you are more than welcome to stay here."
"I know, and I thank you, but there is nothing here for me. There is nothing to tie me down to this place, you know that."

You both carried on walking in comfortable silence until you reached the market. Children ran about, and woman and men alike sold things.

"Unfortunately I can't walk you any further, I'm needed elsewhere."
"I understand, your people need you."

Quickly you pulled Bard in for a hug and he pat your back before he pulled away and smiled.

"May our paths cross again."
"Indeed," you smiled, "should you need me I will come. Farewell Bard, say goodbye to your family for me."

He waved and watched as you turned around, and you begun to walk away.


Hooves pounded on the ground as a pony blocked your path. You took a step back and the king under the mountain jumped down, letting it walk away. His crown gleamed in the sunlight and behind him were his nephews.

"Thorin, What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing." He scowled slightly.
"I'm leaving, I'm not sure where to yet."

Thorin's face fell and you could see sadness in his eyes. He reached out and gently took your hands in his.

"Is Erebor not to your liking?"
"Erebor is perfect." You smiled.
"Then why do you leave?" He pressed.
"There is nothing for me here, I have friends yes, but nothing to tie me down."
"What about me?"

You smiled and shook your head, pressing a tender kiss to his cheek you slipped your hands from his and walked around him and his nephews.

"I'll visit, that I promise."

With that you begun to walk away, only getting another few steps before you were stopped again by someone whistling. You knew that tune.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With never a fear of drowning"

Your breath caught as you stood tall, you heard footsteps grow closer. His voice was strong, deep but gentle at the same time. Something you would have never expected from him.

"And gladly ride the waves of life
If you would marry me
No scorching sun nor freezing cold"

Thorin walked around you and stood in front of you once again, this time with his hand held out as he sung the next line.

"Will stop me on my journey
If you will promise me your heart..."

Everyone seemed to hold their breath, in Thorin's blue eyes you could see many emotions. Fear, and love being the strongest. When you hadn't replied for a few moments his face fell and he went to lower his hand before you quickly caught it, a smile on your face as you took a deep breath.

"And love me for eternity
My dearest one, my darling dear
Your mighty words astound me
But I've no need for mighty deeds
When I feel your arms around me"

Thorin pulled you gently into him, his hands planted on your waist as he gazed up at your slightly taller frame.

"But I would bring you rings of gold
I'd even sing you poetry
And I would keep you from all harm
If you would stay beside me"

As he sung, Thorin moved his hands from your waist to your own as he held them. A small smile on his lips as he sung, his eyes never once leaving yours.

People around you were cheering and clapping around, some had even begun to dance. You could help but laugh a little as Thorin blushed slightly.

"I have no use for rings of gold
I care not for your poetry
I only want your hand to hold"

Thorin took your hand tightly in his as he placed his other hand to your cheek, peering up into your eyes.

"I only want you near me"

With that he pulled you flush against himself as he lightly stepped on your boot covered feet for a little extra height, now he was eye to eye with you.

"To love and kiss to sweetly hold
For the dancing and the dreaming
Through all life's sorrows
And delights
I'll keep your laugh inside me
I'll swim and sail a savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
I'd gladly ride the waves of life
if you will marry me!"

As the pair of you finished the song, you brushed your lips against his is a ghost of a kiss, but the Dwarf had other plans, he smirked and slammed his lips over yours, pulling away quickly as he stepped down and away.

"Never did I think that the great Thorin Oakenshield would sing a song such as that." You teased.

Thorin's face went slightly red again but his eyes were soft as he gazed at you.

"I would sing it all again just for you." He admitted.

He came close and placed his hand gingerly on you face and you leaned into his touch.

"What do you say?"
"I say, I would gladly take your hand in marriage, my dear." You smiled softly.

Thorin's face brightened and he offered you his hand once more.

"Then let us go back home, My Lady."

Taking his hand, you climbed onto the pony behind him, resting your chin on his shoulders while you wrapped your arms around his waist. Fili and Kili quickly sped off before Thorin could catch up, and the city people all waved and cheered as you went through

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