Thorin - A Vampire

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You eyed Thorin from across the camp, he was sat with Dwalin and Balin as they spoke and ate their dinner.

"Would you like a bowl lass?" Bofur asked holding one.

You smiled at him and shook your head, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly.

"No thanks Bofur, I can't eat that."
"Why not?"

The company always thought you ate after them, but in truth you didn't. You didn't eat anything they made, it wasn't because it was bad, it was simply because you couldn't.

"I'll get sick if I do."
"Do you not like bombur's cooking?" Oin asked.
"No! No it's not that! I'm sure bombur is an amazing cook!"

You smiled towards said dwarf before turning to the others, all of them no listening to the conversation.

"I can't eat the same things as you because I physically can't. If I were to eat the same food, I'd become really sick and weak."

They all nodded in understanding.

"Then what do you eat?" Bilbo asked.
"Uhm... I don't... exactly eat..."

Glancing to Gandalf you silently pleaded for help, you hadn't told them what you were because you didn't want them to be scared of you. Gandalf chuckled and stood up as he placed a hand on your shoulder.

"You needn't worry about (Y/N)'s dietary needs, I take care of it for her."

Nodding you smiled at them all and headed over to your bedroll. Gandalf walked over and handed you a flask.

"Elrond asked me to give this to you."
"Thanks Gandalf, you and Elrond are to kind to me."

The wizard laughed and left and you took a sip from the flask, humming in content as the sweet tasting liquid slid down your throat. Capping the flask again you stuffed it into your bag, you had to make this last.

A few months went by and you found yourself being held up in a cave, it was stormy out, your flask was empty and Gandalf was no where to be found. It had been weeks since you last ate and you were beginning to loose control.

"Shit..." you cursed quietly.

Taking your flask and danger you headed to the entrance of the cave.

"Where are you going? If I may ask."

Turning to face Thorin you took a step away from him and held a hand to your mouth.

"I need to eat..."
"We have food here." He frowned.
"Not food I can eat..."

Thorin took a step closer and you took a step back, this went on until your back hit the cave wall.

"Thorin... don't I can't control myself, I don't want to hurt you..."

Thorin took a step closer and you gulped, turning your head away as he stood chest to chest with you, he was only a little smaller.

"What do you eat (Y/N)?"
"You don't want to know..."

Thorin removed your hand from your mouth and you kept your lips sealed. You were thankful you didn't actually have to breath. You could hear Thorin's heart beating, you could hear everyone's heart beating, it only made it harder.

"What do you eat?"

You shook your head and turned away, squeezing your eyes shut. You vaguely heard Thorin ask again and this time you pinned him to the wall, eyes bright red.

"I'm a killer!" You snarled.

You bared your fangs at Thorin and took a step back, raising your hands and bringing them to your mouth as you walked to the cave entrance. You felt all eyes on you.

"Thorin.. I... I'm sorry... I'm..."

Turning around, you fled into the rain, gone in the blink of an eye. You stayed out there well until morning, long after the rain had stopped. You filled your flask up with the blood of a deer, it wasn't as good as elf or human blood but it would work.

Signing you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and headed to the cave which was empty, or so you thought. Walking over to your bag, you were stopped by a hand on your shoulder.

"You're a vampire?"
"I'm a monster if that's what you're asking."

Stuffing your flask into your bag you picked it up, tossed it over your shoulder and stood up, turning around to face the dwarf.

"Gandalf knew."

Thorin stared at you and you stared right back.

"You should be afraid of me."
"You wouldn't hurt us."
"How do you know?"
"Last nights a good example."

Your lips twitched up in a smirk and you begun to walk in the direction the others went. You didn't need to see them to know they went this was, the smell they gave off was enough to go on.

"Dwarf blood tastes weird." You scrunched your nose up.
"Oh does it now?"
"It's salty, like, really salty, it's not normal."

Thorin laughed and you smiled a little as you glanced down at him.

"What was in the flask Gandalf gave you?"
"Do you really want to know?"
"Probably not but still tell me."
"Elf blood, Elronds actually. Elves have sweeter blood, humans are more metallic."
"What about hobbits and orcs?"
"Hobbits never tired, orcs are absolutely vile."

Thorin nodded and along. The pair of you spotted the others not to far ahead and you bit your lip with a frown.

"Everything okay?"
"What if they're scared of me?"
"They're shocked, not scared."

You hummed and followed behind Thorin as you joined the others again. Instantly you were bombarded with questions. You answered them all and showed them what you could do.

"Oh, and (Y/N)?"

You turned to Thorin and he winked at you.

"If you ever need a little snack you know where to find me."
"Thorin!" You yelled.

Huffing you crossed your arms and bit back your grin as he and the others laughed. Walking over to Thorin you leaned down and kissed under his jaw quickly.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that offer."

Thorin blushed and you heard his heart speed up a little, laughing you kissed his cheek and smiled warmly.

Thorin laced his fingers with yours and you squeezed his hand gently, maybe them knowing your secret wasn't so bad

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