Happiness - Legolas ending

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You had stayed for the funeral but you couldn't stay any longer, you couldn't handle it. So with a quick good bye to them all you left.

Through many days of travel and nights spent camping by yourself in the wild you weren't really sure where you were going. Not until you remembered Legolas.

"Rivendell..." you whispered.

It took many weeks to get there by foot, and once you had you were exhausted but no less happy to see it again. Sighing, you walked slowly over the bridge, dragging your feet in exhaustion.

"lady (Y/N)?"

Looking up you smiled and nodded.

"Hello Lindir. It is good to see you once more."
"Come you must be exhausted."

Lindir quickly took your belongings as you laughed at him and begun to trudge slowly behind him.

"Indeed, I am. I don't know how long I've been walking."

His eyes bulged and he quickly pulled you into the nearest spare room, carefully guiding you to the bed as he pulled the covers back, allowing you to climb in.

"Rest. I shall inform Lord Elrond of your arrival and-" he stopped when he saw you were already asleep.

Smiling, Lindir placed your belongings down and walked back out, pulling the door closed as he searched for Elrond. It took a few hours since he kept getting called away but he eventually found him in the garden he walked over.

"My lord, (Y/N) has returned to Rivendell."
"Indeed, I thought she would."
"Why is that?"

Elrond nodded his head towards the far end of the garden where a certain woodland realm prince was was talking to a young Estel.

"You should tell him."
"You think he'll be happy?"

Elrond nodded and watched as Lindir walked over to the pair.

"Prince Legolas?"
"Lindir? What is it, and just call me Legolas. Please."
"Someone has just arrived, though they are sleeping right now."
"Oh? Who is it?"
"(Y/N), from the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

Legolas' eyes widened and a grin spread across his face.

"Quick! Where is she?"
"Next to your room bu-"

Lindir was cut off by Legolas already running away, through the halls and skidding to a stop out the room next to his. His hand hovered above the door, should he knock? Were you here for him?

While lost in his thoughts he hadn't seen the door open, but he certainly felt someone walk into him.

"I'm so sor- Legolas!"

Legolas quickly wrapped his arms around you and twirled you in the air while you laughed. Once he placed you down Legolas saw something gleam on your nightstand.

"You kept it?" He asked in disbelief.
"I did, I wouldn't throw it away." You smiled.

Nodding, Legolas took your hand in his as he looked you in the eye.

"I... I wasn't sure if you'd come." He admitted, "I'm glad you did."
"So am I Legolas, so am I."
"Shall we?"

You wrapped your hand around the Ellon's arm and allowed him to lead you down the hall.

"Why did you come?"
"I knew you were here. I remembered what you said."
"You came here for me?"
"For happiness." You corrected.

Seeing his confused face you stopped, tilting his head towards you with your hand before leaning up, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"You make me happy, even if we haven't known each other long or spoke much. I can't explain it."
"Would you consider getting to know me?"
"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't going to."

Legolas smiled and wrapped his arms around you, feeling your arms go around his waist and he placed his chin on the top of your head. He was sure of it now, you were his one, his one and only love, and he wanted to make you the happiest person in the world

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