Fili - Gone

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You sat in your bedroll between Fili and Kili, remembering everything that Thorin had said to you. About you not belonging there and that you should never had came with them, he had said something similar to Bilbo.

"I'm sorry." You whispered kissing the blonde dwarfs head.

Taking the necklace from around your neck, you placed it into his pocket and stood up.
Sighing, you glanced to see if they were all asleep before creeping past them, heading for the entrance. You were just about there when a voice stopped you.

"Where do ya think yer going?"

Gasping lightly, you spun around to face Bofur and you smiled sadly at him.

"I'm leaving, Perhaps I'll head back to the mountain from whence I came."
"You can't leave, you're part of the company. You're one of us!" He whispered yelled.

Shaking your head, you turned to face him fully as you sighed. Glancing at all the sleeping dwarfs and the sleeping hobbit. Before looking back at him. Thunder flashed and you saw Bofur's eyes widen.

"I guess you saw, I'm not one of you... don't you see Bofur, I never was. I... I was never supposed to come with you. I don't belong here."
"You're homesick, I understand."
"You don't, I'm not homesick. I don't belong, Thorin was right."

Bofur looked like he wanted to argue but you shook your head and pulled him in for a hug before taking a step back, and pressed a object into his hand as you turned around once more.

"Should you need me, throw it on the ground. I'll come. But use it wisely since it's the only one."
"I wish you all the luck in the world lass, I really do."
"As do I with you all. Goodbye Bofur."

With that, he watched as you walked away, both of you unaware to Thorin watching you leave. It hurt you but you you knew it was for the best... at least for now.

Fili was awoke by his uncle shouting and suddenly the ground giving way under him, it slipped his mind that you weren't with them.
As Gandalf made sure everyone was put and counting them he begun to shout.

"Where's our Hobbit?!"
Quickly everyone begun to look around and Fili's face paled as he slowly realised Bilbo was not the only one missing.

"(Y/N)?!" He yelled but got no reply.

As Thorin went on about how Bilbo ran off before Bilbo showed himself, he kept oddly quiet about you.

"Where's (Y/N)?!" Fili panicked.

Thorin begun to whisper with Gandalf and Bofur and Kili walked over.

"I'm sorry lad, I tried to stop 'er."

Bofur handed him a small ring which Fili immediately recognised as yours and his heart broke.

"No..." he whispered.

"She said if you need her to throw it, she'll be there. But it only works once. I think you should have it."

Fili nodded and took it, whispering a small thank you, slipping it into his pocket and felt his fingers brush against another object.

"We must carry on, I'm afraid our dear (Y/N) had chosen to depart us long before the events that just unfolded."

There was protests but everyone followed behind their leader. Once everyone was ahead of him, Fili pulled out the other object and felt tears prick his eyes. It was your necklace, he would recognise it anywhere.

"That's (Y/N)s isn't it?" Kili asked.
"Yeah... I always wondered what was on it."
"You didn't tell her did you?" Kili smiled sadly.
"I was going to when we woke up..." Fili muttered.

Fili's fingers brushed along the beautifully carved wooden wing, carefully he unclasped it, put the ring on and then clasped it around his neck. Though it didn't feel as nice as having you with him, it was all he had of you now.

Little did they know, a figure was watching them from above, her wings beating steadily as he gaze burned into the back of the Blonde Princes head with sorrow in her eyes

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