Thorin - Not without you

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The battle had been won, you had helped the dwarfs rebuild as much as you could. Now, you saw no other reason to stay.

As you walked towards the main entrance you walked straight into Fili and Kili. They smiled brightly but quickly frowned when they saw your attire.

"Where are you going?" Fili asked.
"Just heading for a walk fili." You laughed.

Kili furrowed his brows but didn't say anything. Fili nodded and offered you a half smile.

"Alright, do not be to long. Dinner shall be served soon."

Nodded you slipped passed them and walked backwards towards the entrance.

"Goodbye Fili, Kili."

Their eyes widened and before they could react you were gone. They both looked at each other and sprinted down the hall calling for Thorin.

You managed to sneak your horse from the stable and you rode away from the mountain not daring to look back.

It took you about a month to get home, you let your horse roam on the field next to your house as you walked in.

"Red?" You called.
"You're back!"

A force crushed you into a hug and you laughed. Hugging the boy back you shook your head and smiled as you pulled away.

"You've grown!" You cheered.
"I'm nearly as tall as you now sis!"

Laughing you ruffled his hair black hair and dumped your bag onto your head as you flipped on it with a satisfied sigh.

"The bales of hay need moved, also rocky is sulking in the back." Red laughed.

Groaning you tossed a pillow at him and flipped over to peak a lazy eye open at him.

"We'll start moving the bales in a few days. Also tell rocky to stop sulking and hug me."

Red rolled his eyes and walked over. Not even a few seconds later footsteps bounded through the house and someone jumped on you. Groaning you playfully hit the man and laughed. His blond hair was a mess but his green eyes shone happily.

"Hey rocky, missed me?" You teased.
"You have no idea, it's been so boring!" He whined.

You laughed and rolled over to hug your best friend. He hugged you back and rubbed your back as you drifted to sleep.

For the next few days you worked around the house. Today, in the blazing heat with a thin tunic on and and some trouser you walked barefoot into the field. Red and Rocky standing at your sides.

"Okay, Red, you clear the weeds from the front. Rocky and I will move this lot into the barn."
"Alright." He shrugged.

Running away you and rocky headed into the barn and started to clear things out. Heading back to the field you opened the gate and walked to the large hay stacks.

"Seriously, why did you make it so tall?"
"You weren't here to stop me." Rocky laughed.

Rolling your eyes you climbed up and lowered the first bale on the floor. Rocky picked it up and carried it away. He came back and you lowered another. He took that away, you begun to lower them all so they were two bales tall and you sprawled yourself over the hay as you bathed in the sun.

"(Y/N)!" Red called.

Ignoring him you smirked a little when you heard him huff. He walked and flicked you in the head.

"Ow! Red!"
"Some dwarf is here looking for you."

Looking past him you saw Thorin. Nodding you shooed Red away and stood up. Rocky looked between you and said nothing a he took another bale.

"Thorin." You greeted climbing down.
"Where you going to tell anyone?" He asked.

Hauling up a bale you ignored his question as you entered the barn, patting a few horse as you came back out. Thorin stood with his arms crossed as he watched you. You went to walk past but his hand caught yours and someone grabbed his wrist.

"I suggest you let her go. Crown on your head or not I'll snap this arm." Rocky growled.
"It's okay." You whispered to him.

He hesitated but let go and walked over. Gesturing for he dwarf to follow you, you led him to another end of the field and you slant against the fence.

"I didn't have to tell anyone I was going home Thorin."
"You still should have said something."
"Thorin I came home." You sighed, "how did you get here so fast? It's a months journey."
"I left a few days after you..." he mumbled.

Turning to face him you rose a brow. His cheeks were tinted red and he dug through his pockets for something, when he found it he showed you two beautifully made beads and he looked at you.

"I was going to ask you to court..."
"Me? I'm just a farmer Thorin. My only family is a boy I adopted years ago and my best friend. I literally have nothing for you, nothing to offer."

Thorin clasped your hands in his and shook his head as he looked up.

"I do not care about that. I just want you."
"I would love nothing more than to court you Thorin, but I can't leave Red and Rocky..." you whispered.
"They can come with you, they'll be offered a place in Erebor."

Looking into his blue eyes you saw nothing but honesty. Sighing you looked over at Rocky who was sat on a hay bale talking to red.

"Let me talk to them?"

Thorin nodded and let you go. Walking over you sat next to rocky.

"What does he want?" Red asked.
"He wishes to court me, but that means leaving for Erebor. All of us."
"What do you want to do? You know where you go we'll go." Rocky smiled.

Smiling slightly you looked over to Thorin and stood near the house again. Turning back to them you took their hands in yours.

"I wish to go. I love Thorin, but I refuse to leave without you two. You are my family."
"Then to Erebor we go!" Red laughed.

Rocky nodded and they both ran off. Laughing you walked over to Thorin and smiled down bright at him.

"Will you come?" He asked eagerly.
"Let us pack some things. Come!"

Taking his hand you dragged him into the house and into your room where you begun to stuff things into your back. When you were done you slung it over your shoulder and found the boys brings the horses around.

"Ready (Y/N)?"
"I am. Will you two ride to town and inform Chester he can have the house? He's been looking to move for a while."
"Sure, we'll meet you there."

They rode off and youwent to climb on a horse but Thorin grabbed your hand and stopped you.

"Ride with me?"
"Of course."

Thorin helped you up on his pony and climbed in front of you. You wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder as you sighed in content. Thorin kicked his pony and you set off, your horse following behind. Turning his head to you, Thorin pressed a kiss to your cheek and smiled.

"I love you (Y/N)."
"I love you too Thorin Oakenshield."

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