Elrond - The Pale Rider part five

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Sitting at his desk, Elrond was reading through every book he thought might have contained any detail about you.

He had been here for a while, only leaving to bring you something to eat and check up on you.

"Ada, what are you doing?" Arwen asked.

Elrond looked up at his daughter and smiled, getting up he met her halfway. Hugging her and pressed a kiss to the side of her head before letting go.

"I'm trying to find out more about The Pale Rider. She has appeared once more, in the infirmary right now. Though I am curious as to know more about her."

"Oh! Is she alright? May I go see her? I would like to thank her for saving me."

"She is resting from an infected injury. I'm unsure as to if she will be willing to see you. She hardly wishes to see myself."

Arwen nodded in understanding and headed over to her fathers desk. Picking up the books he had on there before setting them back down.

"I think I may know a book that will help."

Arwen rushed off but quickly came back with an old looking book in her hands and handed it over.

"The mysterious wanderers of middle earth?" Elrond read, "where did you find this?"

"I was in the back of the library and I happened to cross it. There's many unnamed beings hay wonder."

Arwen smiled, kissed her fathers cheek and left leaving him alone with the book.

Taking it back to his desk, Elrond opened the first couple of pages until he reached the contents page.

Running his finger along it he passed many different names, the cold man, headless leader, misty woman, until finally he found it, The Pale Rider.

He wasted no time in flicking to that page, compared to all the others this one was the shortest. Not even a full page.

'The Pale Rider
Not much is known about this mysterious woman.
All that is known is she was once a noble princess, she vanished without a trace a few weeks after it was revealed her family were assassinated. Nobody knows her exact age.
Appearance: 5'5, (H/C) hair, (S/C) skin, (E/C) eyes, pitch black armour and a black cloak. Rumours have also noted a scar across her nose.
Weapon: an unusual sword, made of pure white metal.
Travel: Horse, white fur, unbelievably fast.
Magic: unknown whether she has magic or not, though she has been known to travel around in a thick layer of fog.'

Elrond placed the book down, and leant back in his chair.

It sounded exactly like you, he wondered if the history written about you was true or not. Though there was no way he could ask, you wouldn't talk to him and it was way to personal to tell someone you hardly knew.

Getting up, Elrond slowly started to wonder around. As usual it was peaceful, but it did nothing to help clear his mind.

His feet carried him, without thinking he found his way back at your room where you were sat staring out of the window.

"Hello Rider, are you feeling better?"

Turning to face him, you nodded your head before quickly looking away.

"Wonderful, I am glad to hear."

Elrond came in and had a look at some papers he left in there monitoring your progress.

"You seem to be healing well, may I have a look?"

You lifted your shirt to allow him to come over with some clean supplies and watched intently as he slowly took off the bandages.

Watching his hands, you carefully observed his every move, making sure that he was being careful.

Flicking your gaze from his hands to his face, you saw the determination in his eyes.

From this close you could tell how tired and worn down he looked. He wasn't like he other elves you had seen, he didn't have that so called perfect appearance.

Looking away, you turned you attention back to your wound. Now you could finally see it, it was large, dried blood coated the edges, but it was scabbed over and started to scar over.

"I'll have to clean this, alright?"

You nodded and he smiled.

Grabbing the damp cloth, he gently pressed it to your stomach and you instantly tensed.

"Please try relax, it'll be quick."

He removed the cloth and you took a few moments to relax, before he tried again. Yet again, you tensed up and Elrond pulled away.

He reached out his other hand, out of reflex you flinched. You own hand shot out and grabbed his, bending it awkwardly.

"Okay, okay." He said softly, "I'm not going to harm you, I promise. I simply want to help. May you release me?"

You were frozen in place, your mind was all over the place.

You never realised it, but Elrond had placed the cloth down and his other hand cane up over yours, gently resting on it.

"Rider, listen to me. I would never dream of harming you. Just breathe, take your time."

You slowly breathed in and out, closing your eyes as you did so. Your grip begun to loosen up, and you finally let go of his hand.

Elrond still gripped your hand in his, and lowered it to the bed, running his thumb along your skin.

"That's it, it's going to be alright."

You carried on breathing for a few moments before opening your eyes, looking at his hand over yours before the cloth.

Pulling your hand free you picking up the cloth. You tried to clean your wound but you couldn't quite get all of it.

Then you remembered the Ellon sitting before you and you debated it for a few moments before handing it over.

"Please..." you whispered, holding the cloth out.

Elrond was stunned, once again you spoke. Your voice was so quiet and soft, though it sounded a little gravely from lack of use. He couldn't help but admit it was beautiful either way, very different from what anyone would have thought.

"Of course."

Elrond took the clothe and gently cleaned the wound, this time you stayed relaxed and let him.

Once he was done he cleaned up and started to bandage your wound.

"That's everything, thank you for trusting me Rider."


"(Y/N)? Is that your name?" He asked.

You nodded and he smiled widely, he bowed slightly.

"It is a pleasure to finally know your name."

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