Fili - Not so alone

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You were laid away from the camp, staring up at the moon with your hands behind your head. You were so lost in your own mind that you didn't hear someone approach.


Jumping slightly you turned to see Fili stood not far away.

"Hey Fili."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm good, just looking at the moon."
"Do you mind if I join you?"
"Not at all." You smiled.

Shuffling over on your couch, you placed your left arm over your stomach as Fili laid next to you, he copied your position and the pair of you fell into a comfortable silence for few moments.

"It's nice." He whispered.
"It is, I really like the moon."
"Is that so?"

Fili flipped to his side and propped himself up on his elbow. You turned your head and smiled warmly at him.

"Yeah, it makes me feel less alone."
"You're never alone, you have all of us." Fili frowned.
"I know I do, but sometimes I feel as if I'm completely and utterly alone, but when I look at the moon I know I'm not, because somewhere, someone else is looking at the same moon as me."

Fili went silent, he just watched you.

"Why didn't you say you felt this way?"
"It's not a bad feeling, part of me knows I'm not really alone. I have the company, I have you."

Turning away from him you went back to looking up at the moon. Fili laid himself back down and his hand lingered near yours on the ground, you could feel his fingers brushing against yours. You smiled lightly and took his hand in yours.

"(Y...y/n)..." he stuttered.

Looking at him from the corner of your eye, you saw he was blushing slightly.

"Can I tell you something?"

You nodded your head and sat up with him, spinning your body around so you were facing him properly, though you still held his hand.

"I love you!" He blurted.

Your eyes widened and Fili looked away as he rubbed your knuckles with his thumb.

"From the moment I first laid eyes on I knew you were my one, but I wasn't sure if you felt the same. I can't keep it in any longer, I am deeply and madly in love with you."
"Fili... I-" "it's okay if you don't feel the same way."

Fili have a sad smile and you shook your head, tightening your hold of his hands as you got to your knees and leaned in a little closer.

"No, Fili your mistaken, I love you too."

Fili's face instantly lit up and he wore a wide smile.


Nodding your head you laughed and threw your arms around his shoulders as you hugged him tightly. You felt Fili wrap his arms around your waist and press a kiss to your cheek.

"Will you allow me to court you?" He asked softly.
"Yes." You breathed.

Fili pulled back and gently picked up a bit of your hair.

"May I?"

You nodded a little and Fili got to work braiding your hair, he was quick and gentle, as if he had practiced this for weeks. When he was done he placed a small bead on the end which held his initials. With a proud smile Fili kissed your cheek once more and shuffled so he was closer to you.

"I love you amrâlimê..." he whispered.
"I love you too, my dear..."

Pressing your lips to his gently, you pulled away after a few seconds and stood up, pulling him along with you as you walked back to camp. Instantly everyone went silent and eyed the pair of you. Fili wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his head on your shoulder, since for a human you were rather small.

"When did this happen?" Thorin asked.
"Just now uncle." Fili replied.
"Does (Y/N) make you happy?"
"She makes me the happiest dwarf to have ever lived."

Thorin nodded and smiled as he walked over, he placed a hand on your shoulder and his other hand on Fili's head.

"Then I give you my blessing, I know you two will be perfect for each other. You mother will be proud."

Fili grinned and everyone cheered coming up to congratulate you two. Then, for the reminder of the night you sat in Fili's arms with your head on his chest as you looked up.

"You're not so alone my love." He whispered.
"Never when I'm with you."

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