Thranduil - First sight

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You peaked from behind Thorin as the elves searched everyone. A red haired elf turned to you and walked over. You peaked down the line to find Bilbo stood behind Dwalin.

"You will not touch her." Thorin spat.
"I... it's okay..." you whispered.

Stepped around him you looked up at her with scared eyes and held your hand protectively to the daisy crown on your head. You had made it the night before and you were shocked it hadn't fallen off yet.

"A halfling? Legolas, there are two halflings."

You watched as they spoke in elvish before they both turned to you.

"Do you have any weapons halfling?" The Prince asked.

You nodded your head and pulled out a dagger from you coat and then your sword and held them both out. The prince took these weapons and offered you the smallest of smiles he said something to the red head and she turned back to you. In a smooth motion she picked you up and you squeaked in shock.

"It'll be quickly to carry you. What is your name halfling?"
"I... Uhm... (Y/N) Baggins..." you whispered. "What's yours...?"
"That's a pretty name..."

Tauriel smiled and looked ahead. You played with your hands nervously as they led you through a set of doors. When they slammed closed you tensed.

"Shh, just do as he asks okay?" Tauriel whispered.

You nodded and looked in awe at the sight around you as you grew closer to the throne. As Thorin was led straight forward you were taking to a cell where Tauriel placed you gently next to Balin.

"Are you alright lass?" He asked.

You nodded and watched as the door was closed. You sat in front of it and Balin stood behind you, you could hear shouting and Thorin was led back to his cell. As he and the others shouted back and forth Legolas unlocked your cell door.

"The king wishes to see you halfling."

You nodded and stood up, padding silently out, waiting for him to locked the cell door beside practically running besides him as you tired to match his long strides.

"You leave her be!" Dwalin yelled.
"If anyone hurts her you'll have my sword up your arse!" Fili snapped.

A few tired to grab ahold of you and Legolas had enough, he picked you up with ease and carried you the rest of the way. As he got closer you saw the king standing there with his hands clasped behind his back as he watched Legolas get closer.

"His name is Thranduil." Legolas whispered to you.

The elf prince gently placed you down, bowed and walked away. You avoided looking at the woodland king as you heard him approach.

"What is a halfling doing all the way out here?" He asked.

You didn't reply, you were to shy so you balled your hands into your coat and bowed your head slightly.

"What is your name halfling?"
"(Y/N)..." you said quietly.
"Why are you in the company of dwarfs (Y/N)?"
"I... I wanted to come..."

Thranduil hummed and got closer, you peaked up at him and squeaked at how close he was. Your cheeks flushed and you looked away shyly. He was a lot more handsome up close.

"What is it you wear upon your head?"
"A daisy crown... you... you can wear it if you like?" You offered quietly.

Thranduil blinked and you could have sworn his cheeks tinted red as he stood up and turned away. You heard him mumble something before he turned back around.

"I will allow them to leave if you stay here."

Now it was your turn to blink.

"O... okay.."

Thranduil nodded to the guards and they walked away, you still stood there for a second before motioning Thranduil to bow down. Thing a confused expression he did and it took the crown from your head onto his with puffed cheeks as you quickly looked away again and lowered your hands.

"I..." Thrandull coughed and stood up with dark red cheeks, "thank you."
"You're welcome..."

You heard the others grow closer and Bilbo came running over much to Thranduils confusion at first.

"There's two?"
"(Y/N)! Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?! Where's your daisy crown?! You worked so hard to make it!"
"I.. I'm okay Bilbo. He didn't hurt me... and he's... wearing it..." you trailed off.
"(Y/N)! You gave it to him!?" Bilbo hissed slightly.

You nodded and Bilbo sighed, pulling you into a hug which you gratefully accepted.

"Why are we here elf?" Thorin spat.
"I have decided to let you go."

Thorin narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"What's the catch?" Fili asked.
"(Y/N) stays here with me."

Everyone begun to protest and Bilbo tightened his hold with you.

"You can't take her!" He yelled.
"Bilbo it's okay... I agreed..."
"You what?! Why?!"
"They need to go home..." you muttered.
"We can't leave you!" Kili yelled.

You pulled away from Bilbo and kissed his cheek before taking a step back to look at them all.

"It's okay... you need to go and I've grown tired of adventuring..."

They all looked at you sadly and Thorin offered you a sad smile.

"We'll come back for you (Y/N), you have my word."
"Thank you Thorin."

Thranduil said something in elvish and the guards started to lead them away. You saw tears in your brothers eyes as he gave you a broken smile and waved. You waved back and sniffed slightly as you wiped your eyes, then you felt something gently get dropped on your head.

"This crown looks much better on you halfling, now come, we must have a room set up for you."

Nodding you looked towards his outstretched hand as gently placed yours in his, allowing the so called stone cold elf king to lead you down the halls, sometimes all it takes is first sight

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