Kili - To love a beast

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Glancing at the camp you sighed, checking to make sure no one was watching you walked over to Gandalf.

"I need to go..."
"Of course, I'll distract them." He smiled.

Nodding you waited for the distraction before bolting it into the woods. When you couldn't hear them anymore you slowed your pace. Taking a seat, you placed your head in your hands and waited, the change took over, our bones snapped and broke and fur took over. When the change was done you snarled and stood up fully. Your animalistic mind wanted one thing, fresh blood, a twig snapped. Your yellow eyes snapped up to find a dwarf watching you. Though you couldn't figure out who.

The pair of you had a bit of a staring contest. He didn't seem to know what to do. When the wind blew your way you caught his scent, he smelt so sweet.

You slowly lowered yourself and placed your clawed hands to the ground, he shook before quickly taking off with you hot on his heels, his fear pouring off him.

"HELP!" He screamed.

When you were close enough you tried to swipe his legs from under him but you missed, he ran to a camp where others immediately armed themselves and you skidded to a halt, standing 6 foot tall as you let out an ear piercing howl.


Eyes snapping over to the angry man you recognised his scent immediately, but you trained your eyes back onto the one you chased, his scent was much stronger than anyone's, you begun to stalk forward until the Wizard blocked your path.

"My dear I know you're hungry, but you don't want hurt anyone, I know you don't."

Snarling you snapped at him making him take a step back.

"I know you don't want to hurt him." He tried again.

Raising a hand you struck the air he was just standing in. Training your eyes on the young dark haired dwarf once more you stalked forward once more only to have someone hit you with a sword. With a cry of pain you stumbled back, another blow and another cry of pain, then an arrow lodged itself in side your pained scream made them all cover their ears and with one last glance of the dwarf who was holding the bow and the wizard you bolted back into the woods once more.

Your howl shook the ground as you ran before you found a tree to curl up under a tree as you let out small whines of discomfort and pain before closing your eyes.

When you woke up the sun was hitting your face, you were thankful you were still wearing your trousers and shirt you could feel blood running along your skin and you shot up only to gasp in pain. Glancing down there lodged in your side was an arrow. Kili's arrow. Your heart dropped as your hands flew to your mouth at all the blood that splattered your clothing and the grass around you.

"(Y/N)?" You heard a familiar voice call.

You couldn't respond, tears were silently streaming down your face. Glancing up you saw Gandalf step out of the trees and more tears ran down your face at the sight of his slightly bloodied head and his limp. He walked over and you frantically shook your head.

"S.. stay away..." you begged.
"(Y/N) look at me."

You shook your head and stood on wobbly legs as you used the tree for support. With a deep breath you pulled Kili's arrow from your side and clutched it tightly.

"W.. who did I... please don't tell me..." you choked up.
"My dear you hurt no one I promise."

Gandalf walked over and wrapped his arm around you as he begun to lead you back to the camp. When you got there you cried even more, everyone turned to you. You saw the blood over Kili and felt your heart break into a thousand pieces.

"(Y/N)?!" Kili cried out running over.
"No! Stay away!" You yelled.

Kili froze wide eyed and the others stood around him, you watched his brown eyes travel to the object in your hand.

"Where did you get that?" He asked.

His eyes then traveled to your bloody side and they widened in realisation as did the others.

"Y.. your.." he whispered.

You pulled away from Gandalf and dropped the arrow on the ground as you walked over to your things. You only grabbed a clean shirt and some medical supplies as you stood back up, you didn't dare meet any of their gazes.

"I should never have came..."

With that you turned around and begun to walk away, have someone grab your hand. Slapping it away you spun around with yellow eyes, Kili stepped away shocked and you saw the fear shining through his eyes. You didn't blame him.

"Stay away.... don't look for me... I'm sorry..."

Turning around you disappeared into the trees, all that was left behind was a trail of blood and a group of shocked, angry and scared dwarfs and an equally terrified hobbit.

Kili started at the ground where you had once stood, turning around he walked to the arrow you dropped and picked it up. Your still fresh blood dropped from it and tears brimmed his eyes

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