Kili - Briading

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A/N: I tried and probably failed but I thought it was cute in my head

Since you had joined the company a certain dark haired, dwarf prince caught your attention. He was was adorable, handsome, funny and so much more. You just couldn't take your eyes away from him.

Which is something his older brother, Fili noticed. You two had become fast friends and the three of you were always together.

You were sat near Fili under a tree as you watched the others chat around the fire. Kili was teasing Bilbo as usual.

"You should ask to court him."

You snorted and looked up at Fili with an amused expression.

"Fili no, he can choose many others to court. Why would he want a human girl? Plus, I doubt he even likes me like that."
"But you miss the way he looks at you!" Fili whisper shouted.

Glancing at Kili, you quickly looked away again and shook your head. Sending the older prince a soft smile as you leaned back to look at the stars.

"Fili he sees me as a friend." You sighed.

You that you stood up, sent fili one more smile as you made your way towards the edge of the camp where you had set up your bedroll, you climbed in and quickly fell asleep unaware of a certain dark haired prince placing his bedroll next to yours.

But when you awake in the morning to sun gently hitting your face, you blinked your eyes open and took a deep breath and let it out. Except you (E/C) eyes met warm brown.

"Kili!" You yelped, placing a hand over your heart, "you scared me."
"I'm truly not that horrid looking am I?" He teased.
"oh no my dear dwarf, you are way worse."
"How your words wound me." He gasped.

You laughed lightly and sat up, stretching your aching bones to see many of the company still asleep. Thorin was up and walking around with Gandalf, Dwalin was sat against a rock, and Fili was talking with Bilbo.

"Why are you all the way over here?" Kili asked.

Turning to face him, you begun to slowly run your fingers through your tangled hair.

"I could ask you the same thing, clearly you came here after I fell asleep." You pointed out.

Kili rubbed the back of he head and gave you a guilty smile.

"Yeah, you're right. I came to talk with you but I saw you were sleeping and thought it might have been a bit lonely."
"So you decided to sleep next to me?" You teased.
"I could have slept with you."
"Kili!" You slaps him lightly.

Kili laughed loudly and clutched his stomach before he managed to calm down. When he did he wore a grin as he leaned in a little closer so his nose nearly touched yours.

"I would never miss the chance to see that beautiful face."

You felt your face heat up and you looked away shyly. Slightly embarrassed by that face he had just called you beautiful.

"Thanks..." you mumbled, sending him a small smile.

Kili again smiled brightly at you, he leaned back, then his gaze landed on your hands. He shuffled forward and gently stopped them as he looked you in the eye.

"M... may I?" He nodded to your hair.

He seemed slightly flustered though you didn't know why.

"Of course! I know you love playing with it." You smiled.

Excitement shone on his face and he got you to turn around to face the camp which you did. You enjoyed the feeling as his fingers running lightly through your hair, brushing against your scalp. You closed your eyes with a smile but when you heard a snicker you looked at the company. They were all watching, grinning or smiling while fili was giggling to himself.

"What's s funny?" You asked.
"He's going to braid your hair." Bofur beamed.
"Well, I said he could untangle it. Since he likes playing with it so much when he thinks I'm asleep. If he wants to braid it he can." You shrugged.

The others beamed even more, which just added to your confusion. Even Bilbo and Gandalf seemed to know what was going on. Everyone did but you.

"You don't know what's going on do you?" Balin smiled.

You shook your head only for Kili to gently place it back where it was. You weren't sure what he was doing now but it felt as if he was braiding a small section of your hair.

"Please stop moving, I don't want to mess it up." He whispered.
"Touching someone's hair is very intimate for dwarfs, only done by family and lovers." Balin explained.

You furrowed your brow, then why had Kili offered to do your hair? Balin must have read your mind because he once again smiled.

"If a dwarf wishes to court someone, he or she will place a braid in the hair of their love interest. At the end will be a bead to symbolise who done it."

Bringing your hand up to where the braid started, you followed it down the side of your head all the way to where it hung loosely with a metal bean clasped around the end.

You connected eyes with Fili and and nodded in encouragement to you. Slowly, you turned around to see Kili wore a slightly blushed as he looked away quickly.

"K... Kili..?" You stuttered.
"Y... yes?" He looked at you.

You smiled lightly, placed both hands on his cheeks and kissed his nose ever so lightly.

"Can I braid your hair?"

Kili nodded excitedly and hugged you tightly against him.

"Yes! I'm so glad you except! I have been thinking about it for weeks!"

You laughed with him and cuddled into his chest with yours arms wrapped tightly around him.

"Of course I would, why wouldn't I? It's not every day a handsome dwarf wants to court you."

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