Thorin - You are the reason prt 1

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The dragon sickness had taken over Thorin and it was terrifying. He wasn't the same dwarf you had fallen in love with, now as he held your brother threatening to drop him you saw your whole world fall apart.


Everyone yelled at you to stop but you took a step forward on shaky legs as you gazed into his cold blue eyes.

"What?" Disbelief hinted his voice.
"I.. I have them the stone..."

Thorin dropped Bilbo and turned to you fully, unsheathing his sword as Bilbo and the other dwarfs begged him to stop. He pressed its blade to your neck and you felt it pierce the skin.

"You betrayed me? Out of all the people! I should have known it was you! I should never have allowed you filthy traitors in!"

His words hurt, deeply. They shattered your heart but you kept a straight face, gulping as he took the braid in your curly hair. With a swift movement he ripped the clasp over making you cry out in pain as your hand flew to your head.

"To think I'd even consider courting someone as low as you! Get out of my sight you disgusting traitor I don't want to see you!"

Nodding with tears in your eyes you followed Bilbo as he ran off, helping you calm down into Gandalf's arms as he hugged you, walking towards Thranduil and bard.

"You're bleeding..." he muttered.
"I... it's okay..."
"You shouldn't have done that (Y/N)..." Bilbo frowned.
"I had to protect you." You smiled.

Gandalf put you on the ground next to the elk and the horse as you walked into bilbos embrace.

"Let go." He whispered.

That was nearly three years ago, your knew it was the sickness and you had mostly forgiven him but you never returned to him, you had heard everyone had survived the battled and Erebor was restored with Thorin as king. You went back to living in the shire with Bilbo and much to your sadness and happiness had your son, whom you had named Icarus.

"Mama pick flowers?" Icarus asked, brushing his black hair out his eyes.

He was the near spitting image or Thorin, though his hair was curly like yours. He wore a cheeky grin as dirt fell from his clothes.

"Have you been in uncle Bilbos flower beds again?" You smirked.

Icarus nodded and you laughed, picking him up as you threw him into the air catching him as you kissed his head.

"Come along then! Let's pick some beautiful flowers!"

Taking his hand, you walked out the front door and down the path. Near the Baggins home was a small field with the most beautiful flowers anyone could see.

"This one mama!"

Icarus let go of your hand as he carefully plucked the blue flower, walking back over you crouched down to smile at him. He beamed back and put the flower behind your ear like he always did.

"Thank you my little Prince."
"Mama's little prince!" He giggled running away.

Another hour passed and you held many flowers. Giggling you stood up and held your your hand towards Icarus you happily took it.

"Let's Get you cleaned up my little halfling."

Walking back, you opened the door and let him run to the bath while you placed the flowers in a vase on the table before heading to the bath room. While you were washing him, you heard Bilbo complain about the dirt and his flowers as the door went. You couldn't hear the voices but Bilbo walked in, his face deathly pale.

"Are you alright?"
"T... there's someone here to see you... at the table.." he whispered.
"Oh, okay, will you bath Icarus?"

Bilbo nodded and pulled up his sleeves, you wiped your hand on your shorts as you walked out the room. It was quiet in the home, as you got closer the the room that held your visitor your wondered who it was, it could be anyone, Gandalf was your bet.

"Sorry to kee-" your voices trailed off.

Sat at the table was a very tired, nervous looking Thorin. When he heard your voice his gaze snapped towards you and he stood up.

"(Y/N)..." he breathed.

Thorin took a step forward as a smile spread across his face, only for it to fall as you you took a step back.


Shaking your head, you felt your knees wobble as the day flashed back into your mind. Taking a few more steps back you kept stumbling. Thorin walked to the door way and stood there, not daring to walk any closer. Though you weren't afraid of him it was more shock that he was here.

"Please leave.."

Sadness took over his face and he kneeled down, placing his hands in his lap he looked at you, eyes never once leaving your figure.

"No words or actions can make up for what I've done..." he whispered, "but I only ask for a few moments, please? If... if you still want me gone I will leave and promise to never return."

Glancing behind you, you saw Bilbo down the hall nodded. Tapping his waist to show you he had his sword just in case and then mouthed he would watched Icarus. With a deep breath your turned around, lowering yourself to the floor across the hall not daring to look at Thorin.

"O... okay..."

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