Aragorn - Guilt

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You had joined the fellowship after they stumbled across you near a lake. Gandalf though you would be good for the quest. Though, as far as you knew none of them liked you too much. They all commented on how you needed to smile more and not be so closed off. They didn't understand though, they didn't understand what weight you carried in your heart.

As they all sat around the campsite you gazed into the trees, and that's when you swear you saw it. A light. Movement. A laughter. Glancing at the others, you stood up and held onto the tree as you heard it again.

"Miss (Y/N)?" Pippin called.

You ignored him as you eyes frantically scanned around. Hearing a giggle from behind you, you spun around only to see the cause behind the fellowship.

"Sadir..." you whispered.

He little boy giggled and ran into the woods.

"Sadir!" You yelled.

Without thinking you ran over, you leaped over the fire and over Aragorn who tried to stop you. You ran further and further into the trees trying to chase the little glowing figuring.

"(Y/N)!" Aragorn yelled.

Ignoring him, you spotted Sadir sat by a tree and you rushed over, dropping to your knees in front of him. His (H/C) hair was messy and his blue eyes gazed up at you as he smiled.

"You found me big sister! You found me!" He cheered.
"I did..." you smiled.

Reaching up you went to touch his face but your hand went right through him. Your heart dropped and tears filled your eyes.

"I'm.. I'm.. sorry..."
"Please don't cry (N/N), please don't!" He pleaded.
"It's my fault... it's all my fault..."
"It's not your fault." He shook his head, "you didn't know."

Taking a deep breath, you sat down and wiped your eyes with your palms.

"I could have stopped them... I should.."
"Please don't blame yourself big sister, I don't blame you. Mama and papa don't blame you either."
"A... are they here?"

He shook his little head and beamed brightly up at you.

"They left, I stayed though."
"You stayed, why? Sadir you should go be with them." You pressed gently.
"I just wanted to see you smile again." He said sadly, "I want you to be happy..."

Wiping all the tears from your face, you smiled. A true smile, not like the fake ones you were so used to giving, a real smile spread across your face.

"I'm happy I get to see you."
"Really?!" He cried out.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be happy to see the best little brother ever? I love you Sadir."
"I love you too (N/N)!"

He giggled and stood up, brushing the imaginary dirt from his shorts as he looked behind you. Turning, you did too, only to see Aragorn there.

"Aragorn.." you breathed.

He smiled as he walked closer, kneeling down where you were sat as he placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Who are are you talking too?" He asked gently.

Looking back to Sadir you froze, he was no longer stood there, in his place was a few glowing lights and a necklace on the floor. Carefully you picked it up and held back a chocked sob as you curled into yourself.

You felt a pair of arms wrap around you and bring you into a warm chest. You buried your head into Aragorns neck as he rubbed your back. It took a few minutes but when you finally calmed down you pulled away and fiddled with the necklace in your hands.

Images from that fateful night haunted your mind.

"(Y/N)? What happened?"
"Sadir?" He asked.
"He is.. was.. my little brother. He... died many years ago."
"You saw him?"

Nodding, you glanced up into his eyes.

"What did he say?"
"He wanted me to be happy.. to stop blaming myself.."

Aragorn didn't press the subject but you felt it was time to tell someone.

"When I was six, Sadir was 5. We lived on a small farm with our parents, life was perfect. Then, one night.. as we were sleeping..."
"You don't have to tell me." He whispered.
"As we were sleeping orcs attacked.. father told us to run.. so we did. But as we were running.. they shot Sadir." You sobbed, "they shot him and he fell, and I was so scared I let him! I left him Aragorn like the coward I am! I left him there to die!"

Aragorn quickly and gently took your face between his hands as he turned you to face him.

"You are not a coward. You were Young, there wasn't anything you could do. You can't keeping blaming yourself for what happened."
"It's my fault..." you whispered.
"It's not. I promise you (Y/N), it isn't your fault."

Leaning against him, you clutched the necklace in your hand as you closed your eyes.

"I can't keep carrying this guilt.." you whispered.
"You won't have to."

Lifting you up into his arms, Aragorn begins o make his way back to the camp. Looking down occasionally at you, your face buried in his chest. Once he reached camp everyone was on their feet, and he shook his head, signalling for them to all sit back down.

Walking over to his bedroll, Aragorn places you down and covered you up, getting up when you rubbed his hand.

"Don't go... I don't want to be alone.." you whispered.
"I'm not going anywhere."

Sitting back down, Aragorn kissed your forehead as he smoothed your hair, lulling you into a dreamless sleep.

When you woke up, you noticed a weight around your waist and smiled slightly when your realised Aragorn hadn't left. Sitting up, you looked around only to have two small bodies crash into you.

"Miss (Y/N)!" Merry yelled.
"Don't be sad!" Pippin pleaded.

Carefully, you wrapped your arms around them and hugged them, a smile adorning your face as you did.

"I won't."
"She's smiling!" They cheered breaking away.

Hearing a deep laugh, you looked towards Gimli, Legolas and Boromir who smiled at you. Frodo and Sam both smiled lightly.

And arm sneaked around around waist making you jumped, quickly relaxing when you realised who was hugged you from the side.

"You don't have to feel this fault anymore."
"I know.."
"I'm with you, always. I promise you'll be happy again." Aragorn whispered

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