Kili - All you need

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Soulmates - everyone has their soulmates name tattooed on them

You were speeding through town with tears in your eyes. You tripped over things and people on the way to your best friends house. You didn't even bother to knock you just went barrelling through the door.

"Bilbo!" You cried.
"(Y/N)! What in the heavens is wrong?!"

Bilbo came running over and he closed the door before placing his hands on your shoulders. You sniffed and shoved him your bloodied palms.

"I.. I tripped.. a.. and n.. now I'm.. I'm bleeding a.. and it hurts and everyone laughed!"

Bilbo smiled softly, gently he took your wrist and led you into his dining room. That when you noticed he wasn't alone. Wiping your eyes with the backs of your hands you looked away.

"I... I'm sorry.. I can go..."
"Nonsense (Y/N), come on."

A tall dwarf with long black hair, thick furs and blue eyes got up from his seat and Gandalf lifted you onto the table. You felt s few more years leak down your face.

"Thank you Mr Gandalf..." you sniffed.
"It's not a problem Miss (Y/N). Whatever happened my dear?"

Your face lit up when you remembered what you were doing and you swung you legs.

"I saw this butterfly! It was so beautiful! It was pink and blue! So I was following it." You frowned as you teared up, "and I fell down the hill... and.. I scarped my hands... my legs... and now they're bleeding and I hit my head... and all the others laughed..."

Bilbo came back in and all the dwarfs shuffled behind him. Bilbo placed a bowl of water next to you and gently took your palm as he looked you in the eye.

"This'll sting a little okay?"
"O... okay..."
"Why not sing me a song, I always love your singing."

You nodded, and softly hummed your favourite song as you sang a little. It distracted you from the stinging of Bilbo cleaning your injuries. Turning to the dwarfs you saw most of them smiling gently. One, a young dwarf with brown eyes and brown hair stood next to a blond one caught you eye. You felt your wrist itch a little so while Bilbo was cleaning your knee you begun to scratch it.

"(Y/N) don't scratch the tattoo." Bilbo scolded lightly.
"I can't help it! It itches Bilbo!"

Bilbo bandaged your knee and placed the cloth back into the bowl. Taking your hands you separated them meaning you couldn't scratch it.

"Kili look she has you name!" A dwarf yelled.

Looking between the dwarf who yelled you glanced over each of them until you saw the wide eyes of the young dark haired dwarf.

"I.. is your name Kili Durin?" You whispered.
"A.. aye."

You smiled and Kili walked forward a little. When he was in reach your threw your arms around his waist and hugged him and Kili waisted no time in hugging back. He quickly pulled away and showed you his wrist.

"Kili Durin, at your service (Y/N) (L/N)." He bowed.

Throughout the evening you learnt why the dwarfs were there and what they were doing. You thought it was courageous of them. As you turned to leave you kissed Kili's cheek and took a step back.

"When you've reclaimed Erebor be sure to come back. I'll be waiting for you, stay safe Kili. All of you stay safe, I'll look after you house while you're gone Bilbo."
"I'm not going!"
"And I'm not clumsily."

Waving to them all you skipped away, and down the path.

You weren't sure how long had passed but you tended to Bilbos garden and cleaned his house. Today you were planting his flowers when you heard someone behind you. Turning around you gasped and threw yourself at the hobbit.

"Bilbo! How'd it go! How is everyone!"
"They're all good (Y/N). They did it! We did it!"

You laughed and let him go as you tilted your head
"Where's Kili?"
"He can't come yet, but he told me to tell you he will."

You nodded and followed Bilbo into his home to make him some tea.

Six months later and you still didn't see Kili. Part of you lost hope but you didn't let it get you down.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Bilbo laughed from his bench.

Smiling at him you stopped and clasped your hands together.

"I'm following the leaves!"
"It's fun."

Bilbo chuckled and you grinned as you skipped into his garden and sat beside him. Kicking your legs you closed your eyes and begun to hum. You heard feet but you assumed it was a passing hobbit.

"No welcome hug?" A voice teased.

Gasping your eyes shot open and you looked ahead. Kili was leant on Bilbos fence with Fili behind him. They both wore crowns and you laughed as you ran over practically tripping right into Kili.

"My clumsy hobbit!" He laughed.
"You came!"

Kili kissed the top of you head as he got to his knees, he was now only slightly smaller than you. Placing your hands over his stubbly cheeks you peered down into his warm brown eyes.

"I missed you." You smiled.
"I missed you too."

You kissed his nose making him blush slightly. Kili placed his hands over yours as he looked at you with loving eyes.

"Hey Kili?"
"Yes (Y/N)?"
"Will you follow the leaves with me?"

Kilo laughed and got up and he held your hand, looking down at you fondly.

"Of course I will amrâlimê."

You blushed slightly and grinned as you begun to skip beside the dwarf who wore the biggest grin anyone could ever wear. Now you felt whole, like you had everything you needed in life, and with Kili beside you that's all you needed

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