Elrond - It's cute

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You were shy, extremely shy. You were always a little clumsy so trips like this to the medical ward weren't uncommon. As you held your hand to your nose to contain the blood you walked backwards in.

"Back again?" The nurse teased.

Walking backwards until you hit the bed and you fell onto it and nodded your head as you averted your eyes. She gave you a cloth and smiled a little as she shook her head.

"I've got to attend to someone first, so you'll have to wait a bit Okay?"

You nodded again and go comfortable on the bed as you watched her leave. When she was gone you looked around. They kept this room empty just for you, it had pretty much become your bedroom, usually the nurse Kada was in here.

"Kada have you- oh hello."

Looking to the door you quickly looked away again as it felt the tips of your ears burn with embarrassment. Footsteps came closer and you felt the bed dip.

"What happened?" Elrond asked gently.

You turned your head away from him and shrugged. He got up and you heard him walking around, the running of water and him pick something up as he walked back over and sat on the bed once more.

"Let me see." He said.

You shook your head and turned away again only to hear him sigh lightly.

"Please, we must make sure nothings broken."

You still didn't move for a few seconds then you turned to face him, averted your eyes and moved the cloth slightly. You let Elrond take control. He carefully wiped away all the dried blood and felt your nose, you yelped and he quickly apologised before he pressed a clean cloth to your nose.

"Hold that there, you'll need stitches."

Once he was done you stood back up and bowed in thanks. With that you practically ran out the room around Lindir and Kada.

"Does she not like me?" Elrond asked confused.
"No my lord." Kada chuckled, "She is just shy. She hardly talks to me. She is also very embarrassed."
"Why's that?" Lindir asked.
"(Y/N) is clumsy, She's here at least 5 times a week."

Elrond hummed and looked at the door. (Y/N), so that was your name.

A few days had gone by and you hadn't had another incident. As you skipped into your medical room you smiled at Kada and tossed yourself onto the bed.

"What brings you by?" She smiled.

You pointed to your nose and she nodded in understanding. Kada made quick work of removing the stitches and when she was done you ran out the room. You skipped down the halls and into the garden. As you walked around you didn't see the bucked someone had left and you tripped right into a rose bush. With a pained yelp, you heard running and someone was pulled you up.

"Are you okay?"

Looking at who it was you felt heat rise to your cheeks and you shyly nodded as you looked away. Elrond gently took your arm and inspected it.

"You're bleeding. Come on, we'll get you patched up." He smiled.

You let Elrond drag you down the halls, he walked past your room and you stopped, making him stop. You silently pushed opened your door and Elrond took the hint and led you in there. Kada was sitting at the desk.


Turning around she laughed lightly and shook her head as you sat on the bed. Elrond day next to you as he carried on holding your arm. You felt embarrassed but the contact felt warm and gentle. You looked down at your arm in his lap, his fingers were wrapped lightly around your arm his thumb gently rubbing along the skin.

Elrond saw you looking down at your arm and he frowned slightly.

"Does it hurt?" He whispered.

You shook your head and smiled up at him. Kada came back and begun to clean your arm and stuck a bandage around it.

"There you are! All clean and bandaged."

You offered her a sheepish smile and jumped up from the bed. Turning to Elrond you leaned forward and kissed his cheek lightly before quickly pulling away and bowing your head. You caught the faint blush on his cheeks.

"Th... th... thank y... you..."

With another smile you quickly ran away. Elrond raised a hand and gently touched his cheek where you kissed. Kada laughed and shook her head.

"She really likes walks, flowers and horses." She winked.

With that's Kada left Elrond alone, thinking about what he would do next

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