Injured elf final

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Four days after signing that song, you felt a little better. Humming to yourself, you pulled your boots on and fixed your tunic as you stepped outside.

"Thane come!"

Thane came bounding over and wagged his tail as he barked. Laughing yo shook your head and held up the jar.

"Want to get some berries?"

He barked again and ran to the right, rolling your eyes you followed him into the thickets of the bush. Crouching you searched for the red berries to fill the jar, Thane played with a rabbit while you worked.

Once the jar was full you beamed and brushed snow of your clothes as you stood up.

"Thane come!"

He barked bye to his friend and followed you out only to stop on the path and growl. Alert you rushed inside and grabbed your axe as you armed yourself, stepping outside you narrowed your eyes when you heard voices.

"Are you sure this is the right way?"
"I'm 100% sure Lord Elrond."
"Just checking, you seem a bit lost."

Two elfs burst from the trees and you gasped. Thane replaced his growling with happy barking. Tossing the axe back inside you rushed forward, jumping on the unsuspecting elf.

"Lindir!" You laughed.

He hugged you back just as eagerly, spinning you around.

Once your feet hit the floor again you pulled away and held his hands in yours as you beamed brightly. Then you turned to the elf beside him and bowed.

"(Y/N) (L/N)."
"Elrond, it's a pleasure." He smiled.
"Oh! Come in, I'm making berry pie."

You ushered them into your home and closed the door behind Thane as you picked up the berry's and walked to the kitchen.

"Bit cold to be walking around without a coat is it not?" Elrond asked.
"It's the perfect temperature, it doesn't get much warmer than this."

You made them some tea as you made some pie before putting it on to bake.

"I hope you'll excuse the mess, I've had a lot to do."
"Lindir said you made toys."
"Ah yes, I delivered some to the orphanage not long ago."
"Would you Perhaps make some for the elflings?"
"Gladly my lord!" You smiled.

Elrond laughed a little and dipped his tea. Turning to Lindir he kicked his friend a little and gestured to you with his head. Lindir gulped and placed down his cup, standing up to walk in front of you.

"(Y/N) I must tell you something."
"What is it?"

Lindir avoided your eyes and took your cold hands in his.

"I have come to light that while I was here with you I.. have.. fallen for you. When I was in Rivendell it pained me to be without you. Nothing was the same."
"Lindir..?" You asked softly.
"What I'm trying to say... is.. I love you Meleth.. my (Y/N)."

Lindir glanced at you and waited your reaction. You could feel his hands trembling. Bringing your hands to his face you kissed the corner of his mouth and sighed in relief.

"I love you too Lindir, my elf." You breathed.
"You mean it?" He asked quietly.
"I mean it with all my heart."

Lindir hugged you and buried his face in the crook of your neck. You played with his hair as you rested your head on his shoulder. After a few moments he pulled away and held your hands once more.

"Will you return to Rivendell with me?"
"You mean leave the mountain?"

Lindir nodded and you glanced down at Thane.

"What of thane?"

Lindir turned to Elrond and Elrond smiled as he stood up.

"Thane will be Welcome along with you."

He nodded and Lindir turned back to you with pleading eyes and a warm smile. You watched as Elrond slipped from the room and you connected eyes with Lindir's beautiful brown ones.

"I have never left the mountain..."

His face fell but you chuckled and nodded your head. Lindir face instantly lit up like a child with a finding something they like. His hand tightened around yours ever so slightly.

"I'll leave the mountain if it means I can be with you Lindir my darling elf."
"I promise I'll take care of you and love you for as long as we shall stay together and forever."

Bringing your lips to his, You lightly kissed Lindir before pulling away leaving just a few millimetres between you. Lindir leaned forward and gave you another small kiss before pulling away and doing the same thing. You pulled away this time and rested your head on his.

"I love you my darling..."
"I love you too Meleth.."

Who would have thought that finding an injured elf would have left you with a love you had never felt before

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