Chapter 31 Small Talks

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I ran and ran, turned from corner to corner and went to the point where I cursed this damn castle for being so big. I mean, what the heck? Why would they need a bigger castle if there were only a few people living here, right?

I finally arrived at the library. I gulped hard before I entered. The door let out a loud creak as I entered. The windows were all open, letting the sun light the whole library. "Hello?" I called out. My voice echoed in the room. I took hesitant steps in as I looked at my surroundings. Trying to see if I could find his royal highness.

My gaze fell on to the usual couch where Ace would have been. Sitting there on the couch with a book in hand. But when I came there, there was no sign of Ace.

He has to be here!! Or else, I wouldn't know any other place to look for him.

I decided to try and walk around in case I might find him. I sneaked a peak at each place between the bookshelves in hopes that he might be there looking for a nice book, but he wasn't. "Where the heck could he be?" I wondered out loud.

As if on cue, something hard hit me on the head. "Ow!!" I clutch my head and look down at the object that had fallen. It was a hard leather bound book. No wonder it hurts.

With a hand still on my head, I picked it up and wondered how the heck did this book get here?

"Looking for something?" My body tensed at the sound of the voice. Actually, I really don't know what to feel when I heard his voice. Excitement? Fear? Annoyance?

I looked up only to find the person whom I really came for in this place. He was at the second floor of the library, leaning on the balcony and looking down at me. His black hair falling and shadowing his face. Now with his elongated ear, he looked so different.


I started to open my mouth but no sound came out and I stood there looking like a fish.

What am I going to say again?

When I didn't speak, Ace only raised an eyebrow at me before he decided that I wasn't worth his time and started to leave.

"Wait!" I called out to him. With the book still in my arms, I hurriedly ran towards the stairs and to the second floor. I saw him by one of the shelves. He was looking at me and studying me as I came to him panting.

"What?" His voice still has it's rudeness in them that makes me want to slam the book to his face. But I didn't, instead I gave him a sweet and adorable smile as I politely handed him the book. Trust me, it's hard to do this when you're facing his gaze right now.

"You dropped this." I said and offered him the book.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "I threw it at you. Why would you give it back to me? Tch." He said and quickly snatched the book from me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing. I was just having some sort of experiment to see how hard an idiot's skull can be. Turns out. It's pretty hard. The edge even got damage." He started to massage the said spot with his thumb.

"You dropped the book on purpose?"


Please...Just this once. Give me patience to deal with this.

Instead of wrapping my hands around his neck and throwing him off the balcony while shouting insults about elves, I simply gave him a tight smile. "Oh really? That's cool." I said and added a little laugh in which he responded with a grimace.

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