Chapter 51 Enter Sanver

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Chapter 51

The ride took about 30 minutes, based on my estimation. Although I am not quite sure since it might have taken longer than that. We traveled in silence or at least everyone except the twins, who kept talking about random stuff that I didn't bother to be interested in.

The forest was getting thinner, and I saw a path that led to a clear landscape.

"Just a little longer." Said Dan. "We just need to pass this neighborhood."


I looked up ahead to see broken buildings up ahead that looked like it was burned or something. Piles of rubbles are scattered everywhere, and just to my far left is a tall broken-down building that looks suspiciously like a castle.

I noticed that the prince's expressions turned grim, which made my curiosity tingle. "What is this place?" I asked them.

"It's the ruins of the former kingdom of Gija." Said Nate. He rode beside me so he could speak to me more clearly. "This is the kingdom of the Tamers. They control beasts and do their bidding."

"What happened to them?"

Nate's face hardened. "You don't want to know the details, but I'll give you a hint. Tereau."

"Why? Why would they attack this kingdom?"

"Because they are cowards." I looked ahead to me and towards Ren, who had his back to us. "They were afraid of the power that the people had."

"It's not the only kingdom they destroyed. They also burned down Iroca. The kingdom of the shifters. A close family to the beast men." Said Dan. "They can manifest into any form. Be it human or animals."

"Enough dwelling on the past." Ace suddenly spoke. "Talking about it now won't change anything. Let's just hurry up and get out of here."

As we entered the lifeless kingdom, no one opposed to his plan. My body started to quiver at the sight of the ruins for some reason, and I had to shift my attention. Something moved in the corner of my eye, and I turned to see what it was. I could barely make out its golden brown fur and curious eyes as it stood among the remains of the castle, watching us.

A wolf. By its small size, I know that it isn't a werewolf. It must be an ordinary wolf—a young one judging by its size. It suddenly turned its head, and it looked me in the eye. I gasped.

"Rose? Are you alright? Rose?" I was broken from my trance as I averted my gaze from the wolf to Nate. He was holding my arm and was looking at me intently.

"There's a wolf by the ruins of the castle," I said and pointed out at the spot.

Nate and the others followed my hand. "Nothing's there," said Nate, giving me a worried look.

"Impossible it was just-" I paused, and my brows furrowed in confusion when I looked up to see that the wolf was gone. My jaw dropped, and I looked at them in embarrassment. "It was right there! I swear I did see a wolf." I insisted.

I saw Ace staring at me silently before looking at the twins. "Ren, Dan, did you feel any wolf nearby?"

The twins shook their heads. "No."

"Sorry. No wolf here except us."

Now I was getting more confused with the whole situation. "I think you're just tired and imagined the whole thing, Rose. Maybe a good rest at Sanver will help," said Nate.

No. I was sure that I did see a wolf, and I did not imagine it. As much as I wanted to argue more, I didn't because I have a feeling that no matter what I say, they won't believe me unless they saw it for themselves.

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