Chapter 27 Beast Men

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"Take that you evil mosquito!" There was a loud smack as I slapped my arm. Who would have thought that they still have mosquitoes in this world? I thought that the only blood suckers in this world are the vampires.

I growled in frustration when I didn't hit it. This isn't really my day. Who the heck even said that having a field trip to the other part of the kingdom would be so tiring? Stupid movies and fictions for giving us falls interpretation when we hear the word adventure. Sure, in fiction, when the main character would venture out into the woods, she would experience all sorts of fun adventures and get to be super cool for being resourceful.

In reality? It stinks! The kind of adventure that I was hoping for is a disaster. I kept on tripping and falling. My dress is ruined and I'm hungry. I lost a shoe and now mosquitoes are after me.

Stupid woods.

I want to find a lake to clean up and drink. I'm thirsty. Someone please give me water.

I continued to walk - drag - myself. I pulled out the map that I tore from the book and began to read it. Every time that I get deeper into the forest, I always check the map to make sure that I won't get lost. For the past hours, I always know where to go. But now, I'm not so sure.

I was pretty sure that I saw a path here before but now it's gone. It's as if the forest itself has somehow moved or something. If it did, I wouldn't be surprised considering that this is a magical world after all.

But I also have this strange feeling. Like someone was watching me, which is really creeping me out. The hairs on the back of my neck stood as I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I don't know why I have this feeling but I somehow do.

Reluctantly, I turned. There, I saw white rabbit by the bush staring at me. It's white fur stands out making it more visible. It's big black eyes - still staring at me - are creeping me out. And I couldn't help but feel that behind those black beady eyes of a rabbit, someone is behind them.

I tilted my head to the side and the rabbit followed my movement. Okay, you have to admit that the rabbit is kind of cute. But it's still creepy at some point. I started to turn around and leave. Once I was a few steps away, I dared to look back and saw that the rabbit's eyes were still following me. For a second, it just stayed there. Then, as if it was sleeping, it shook it's head and rubbed it's face before hoping off somewhere.

That's weird. I thought as I continued to walk away.

My stomach kept on making a sound as I walked. I'm hungry. I feel like I'm in the hunger games. Literally. My throat is dry and the sun isn't helping with my mood either. My dress gets ruined every few seconds as it gets caught on a tree branch. My hood, on the other hand, is pretty much good as new. I don't know why but it doesn't get stained no matter what dirt would cling to it. It must be because of it's material or something. How I wish that this dress that I'm wearing is made of the same material as the red hood.

My knees started to hurt from the continued walks so I decided to take a rest. I slump down on the ground and lean against a tree for it's shade. I sighed and took out the piece of paper with the map on it. This doesn't make any sense. I was sure that I've been keeping tabs on my tracks. How can I end up lost?

Maybe this map was a little too old to be of use.

In my frustration I crumpled the map and tossed it aside. Then I buried my face in my hands. I'm not gonna cry. I'm not a cry baby. I'll think of a way. Yes, I will.

I groaned. "But that's easier said than done if I have a full stomach." I whined and now buried my face in my arms.

I want food!! Where the heck do the main characters in the movies get something to eat?

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