Chapter 38 Ruining a Dance Number

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Chapter 38

I saw Fred, who was still dancing with his partner. Our gazes met and, with one hand, he grabbed me and twirled me over to the next person. Fred smiled warmly at me and winked. His dance partner looked confused on why he didn't switch us.

But I, on the other hand, remembered our promise. That he would be my last dance for the night. I smiled at him to let him know that I remembered before I faced my new partner.

Well, supposed to be a partner. It was Nate, but apparently, he was having a conservation with another girl. And he didn't seem happy.

It was a girl with long purple hair that shone in the light. I remember from my lesson with Ace that she's Princess Camille. Her silver dress sparkled with different colors as if it were alive. Expensive non-metallic jewelry decorated her from top to toe. I'll say she's beautiful. Camille, the princess of the Kingdom of Fae. The fairies.

Princess Camille Clevelan smirked at Nate, making him frown at her even more. "What's with the face, Prince Nathaniel? Don't you miss me?" she said in a soft sweet voice.

"I'm not in the mood for your silly games."

I didn't do anything and stupidly watched the scene in front of me.

She pouted and batted her long lashes at him while running her hand up and down his shoulders. She leaned in and whispered something to him.

"The throne is not for you," Nate told her and pushed her back, not wanting to be anywhere close to her. "It's for your older brother. Prince Gregory Clevelan."

Camille had a dark look on her face. "Gregory isn't the problem. I can take the throne from him. I'm a summer fairy, and he's just a fall fairy." She said. Her voice laced with venom at her older brother. "But the only problem is my little brother Chace - A winter fairy." She rolled her eyes. "A rare one but useless if you're ignorant." She then focused her eyes on me, and her face softened. "But with you, I think we can overpower Chace and let him hand over the throne. What do you say?"

I feel like I am not supposed to be hearing this. Isn't this technically a topic close to treason? But I can't say anything since Nate might get involved.

Nate gave her a disgusted look. "Your brother, Chace, is only 12, and Gregory is a fine man and a born leader." He told her. "And I don't want any throne. I just want to be rid of you."

Her green eyes darkened. "You have to. I can't just let you go around and flirt with other girls!"

"Who are you to order me around? I am not your pawn."

"You're mine, Nate."

"You're crazy!" This girl is unbelievable. Nate suddenly pushed her away. "I am not your property, and I certainly will not be leaving this castle anytime soon. Not for some silly fantasies of a spoiled girl like you." His voice rose a little in my anger.

Camille only rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, and Nate had to breathe through his nose slowly to ease up his temper. "Fine. You can stay."

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"I said you can stay." she repeated."But only if you'll get rid of that Princess Rosalie and if you'll take me to be your Queen once you win." Her words sent ripples of anger through me, and Nate looked at her furiously.

"Don't bring Rose into this." He hissed at her. His fangs elongated, and he tightened his grip on her hands and stopped dancing.

Now they were speaking in hushed voices that I couldn't hear anything."Touch her, and I swear I'll kill you. I'll drain every drop from your body even if I become an undead. It'll be worth it if it means getting rid of you."

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