Chapter 43 Comfort

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Chapter 43

My hands trembled as I read the letter. This can't be happening. I must be dreaming or this is some kind of a sick joke, but no, it isn't. The letter that I held in my hands is proof.

Fred is gone. He left.

I bit my lips as they started to tremble. Not because I wanted to cry but because of my mixed feelings.

I didn't notice that everyone's attention was on me. I didn't want them to see me like this, so I smiled. "I guess that's that then," I said. It was stupid to feel anything. After all, what does it matter if I will be leaving soon anyway?

"Rose-" Nate started to reach out, but I moved away. Dan placed a hand on Nate's shoulder, and he shook his head.

"His choice. Nothing we can do." I shrugged. I started to turn around and mumble an excuse as I left and headed towards the gardens to get a breather. I went to the back door of the castle to get to the gardens. As soon as I was out, I took in a lung full of breath.

The air here always seems to provide me warmth and comfort, and I don't know why. Either it's because of the fresh air that nature provides, or there's just some magic at work here. Either way, I don't really mind it at all.

I went to the pavilion at the center of the garden and sat there looking at the view. The sun was setting, and the flowers began to give off a vibrant glow as the droplets of waters reflected the last rays of the sun. Seeing it reminds me of Fred and how we used to come here whenever he had a break with our training.

I sighed.

I looked back at the letter in my hands as I reread it. I just don't get it. Why would he leave? What was the reason? He obviously forgot to write it down on his letter. Was there a dire situation in which he really needed to go?

"Reading that over and over again won't change a thing." I jumped in surprise when someone spoke. I looked up to see Ace leaning against one of the pillars of the pavilion. His gaze at the setting sun as he spoke, "Prince Frederick is gone."

Looking at him, I narrowed my gaze. "Did you follow me here?"

Without looking, he shrugged. "Came to see if you would try and escape again." When I didn't answer, he turned his head to me and our gazes locked. "What are you thinking?" He asked.


He pointed at the letter. "What do you think about the letter?"

I looked down and saw the letter crumpled in my hands. I laid it on my lap and started to straighten it back again. "I don't know," I answered honestly. "I think this is stupid. He didn't leave a note as to why he left." I said and looked up at him again.

"What do you think?" He looked back at the spot where the sun had been. It was starting to get dark.

"How should I know? I'm not Prince Frederick."

"You don't say?" I said in a sarcastic tone and rolled my eyes at him. I should have known that talking to Ace like this wouldn't make him nicer. Nice talking to you, Ace.

"But I have to say that I agree with you."

Again, I looked at him. "What? Complete your sentence and stop making pauses already."

He gave a dirty look but didn't comment on it. "What I'm trying to say is that it's weird that he didn't leave us a reason for his departure. Something must have gone wrong in their kingdom that needs his full attention."

"What? Don't they have others to do those works for him?"

Then Ace gave me that look that makes you feel like your a useless, stupid, and incompetent human being who ever lived.

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