Chapter 56 Prophecy

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Chapter 56 

I am not worried about what would happen with getting lost in this town, but more of what Ace would do to me when they find me. That demon. Surely he notices my sudden disappearance by now and plans on tying me to his horse and dragging me away.

"Crap crap crap!" I muttered while biting my nails nervously.

I was so engrossed in my future demise that I almost forgot the girl in front of me if she did not grab my wrist with an urgent look on her face. "Miss, you really must come with me."

I looked at her as if she had grown another head. "Sorry." I gave her a small smile as I tried to pull my hand back, but her grip was too firm. "No offense, but I don't know who you are and what you're going to do to me after I go with you. My mother told me specifically not to talk to strangers."



"My name is Sophie, and I am a seer. Which is why you need to come with me." She said, and before I could protest, she was already pulling me through the crowd. I tried pulling my wrist again but to no avail. I even tried slowing her down as I dug my heels to the ground, but it was no use. She's like a freaking amazon girl.

She led me to a suspicious-looking tent in the middle of two stalls. She pushed me in before she closed the door - err.... - beaded curtains behind her.

My gaze scanned the interior of the tent. The flooring was a weaved straw mat that wrapped around the tent's perimeter. A small coffee table was placed in the center, along with two purple cushions, which I assume will serve as seats. A plethora of jewelry and gems of various colors and varieties adorn the outer rim of the circle. I also noticed a few clay pots and treasure chests.

Sophie cleared her throat as she looked at me and smiled. "Please do not be afraid, Princess Rose." She said and gestured towards one of the cushions. "Have a seat."

"Thank you, but-" I paused as I suddenly realized something. I whirled at her with my mouth hanging open. "Wait, did you - How do you know my name?" I asked suspiciously.

She chuckled. "I have a special gift. See, unlike the other witches, I cannot do magic, but I have the power to connect to the spirits, letting me see the future." She explained. "They show me the future or the past of one person once I make contact with them." Then, her eyes focused intensely on me, "The spirits told me your name. I apologize for bringing you here all of a sudden, but they told me to give you a reading so I can warn you about your future." She said.

"Mm-Hm." I nodded as if I was buying her scams. I raised an eyebrow at her. If I was the old me and she keeps blabbering about spirits, then I might think of her as crazy. But let's face it. While I am here, I don't think anything could be crazier than living in a castle with five princes.

I mean, duh! I don't think anyone could survive that, especially if the said princes are drop-dead supernaturally gorgeous! I'm surprised I even made it this far.

"Okay," I said as I cleared my throat. My eyes darted towards the exit before I trained them back to Sophie. "What is it about my future that you badly need to warn me about?"

Sophie made her way to the opposite side of the table and sat Indian-style on the cushion. I did the same as I sat on the other one opposite hers. "Give me your hand." I placed my hand on top of hers. She smiled and started to close her eyes as if in concentration.

Nothing happened at first, and we were just sitting there while I was awkwardly looking at our hands together.

"Um...okay? I don't know what I am supposed to do here but-"

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