Chapter 32 Routine for a Week

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The next day, after I woke up and changed into some clean clothes. The queen came into my room to discuss some matters regarding my stay.

"So I really have to pretend to be your real niece who comes from another country?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Unfortunately, yes." She said and looked at me apologetically. "It seems that your presence has caused some rumors."

"What rumors?"

"That you're a mistress is a mistress."

"What the f-" I cussed at the absurdity of it.

"Ah ah!" The queen chastised. "None of that foul behavior." She said. "So anyway, the story will be like this. You're a princess from another country with 7 older sisters and 8 older brothers."

I stared at her. "Lady? That story alone is bull-" The queen glared at me. "bulldozing my imagination. I mean, that's a lot of siblings."

"Just play along!" The queen huffed. "So because you always feel crowded in your home, you decided to move in with me and become my adoptive daughter."

"So what will happen to the princes? I thought that they were here because you have no heir. Now that you adopted me then..."

"Oh you will still choose. Think of them as your 'marriage' candidates."


"Not for real. When you leave we still need a next ruler. It's just all 'pretend'." She says.

"I-" I started. I rubbed my eyes at how ridiculous this is. "From your niece from a foreign country to become your adoptive daughter. Wow. Amazing. Truly." I said sarcastically.

The queen must not have heard my sarcasm because she seemed oblivious. "I know, right? No one would question such a fine tale!"

I gave her a look. Is she for real?

I couldn't help but be glad when someone knocked on my door.

"Why can't you be punctual!?"

Judging from the scream, it was PRINCE with all the capitals.

"Oh dear." The queen gasped. "I must have taken quite a lot of your time. You should head out now."

An idea suddenly formed in my mind and I grinned. "Actually, auntie-mom." I smiled sweetly. "Why don't we go out together?"

The queen seemed touched at my offer that I felt a bit guilty.

I said a bit.

Together we went for the door and I made sure that she went out first. As I opened the door, we saw that PRINCE Ace was about to knock one again, but paused when he saw the queen.

His mouth was hanging open and I couldn't help but snicker in delight. Serves him right. "Your highness I-" He started. I waved at him to get his attention. When finally looked, I gave him a teasing grin and stuck my tongue out. Then I pointed at the queen and made a slicing gesture through my neck and pointed at him. You dead.

He glared before looking back at the queen and bowed his head. "Forgive me for my rudeness."

"Off with his head!" I declared. Both the Queen and Ace gave me a look. "What?"

"Honey, we are not barbarians. We are civilized." The queen said. Civilized? Yeah, right. Says the one who kidnapped me. "Prince Ace, it is alright. And thank you for being serious on Rose's education. I know that it isn't easy."

"Indeed it isn't. Her attention span is below average."

"Hey!" I protested.

"Thank you again. And please do your best. As for the matter regarding the ball...?" The Queen gave me a side glance to confirm my participation. "It would be troublesome if you don't want to, but we'll manage-"

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