Chapter 68 A Sick Prince

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Chapter 68 

"In the garden. There's a spring that can help with the healing. Take him there." Queen Siera ordered.

His brothers started to approach him in that instant, but he waved them all away. "I can walk on my own." He said, but as soon as he took one step forward, his legs gave out, and he collapsed on the floor coughing. He groaned in pain, and I could tell he struggled to keep it together. His brothers were right there beside him, assisting him to his feet. We all gasped when Ace raised his head. Not only was his nose bleeding, but he was crying out blood too. My heart pounded at the sight.

Are we going to lose Ace too? At the thought, my hands started shaking. No. I don't want that.

"Get him in the garden! Quick!" The queen ordered.

We all dashed out the door and followed Queen Siera as she led us away from the castle but not too far from the bark wall that surrounded Tordis. Eltur was carrying Ace behind his back, while Darem ran alongside his brothers. Just by looking at them, you can tell they have a strong bond because of how concerned they are for one another – even though I don't see Ace caring much for his siblings except for Nora.

Finally, the path began to clear, and the trees appeared thinner. We arrived at a dome-like greenhouse that was close to the bark wall. When we entered the greenhouse, I found myself staring at the trees and plants that were growing there. A stone-lined pathway led to a rectangular solid in the middle of a pond. It was nearly completely submerged in the pool of water, with only an inch or so above the liquid's surface.

Ace was still bleeding and groaning in pain when his brothers placed him on the stone bed in the middle of the pond. Queen Siera walked over to the pond and dipped her feet in the water to stand beside Ace. The water reached her hips, but she ignored it even though her clothes are now soaked. Ace began to scream and thrash after gently placing both of her hands on his head. Vines began to appear out of nowhere and held Ace's body in place. His screams sent shock waves all over my body because I could feel every ounce of pain in them. On impulse Nate, Ren, Dan, and I moved to go over to him, but Eltur and Darem blocked our way.

"Sorry, but we can't stay here and watch," Darem said grimly through Ace's screams.

I started to protest, "But-"

Eltur shook his head. "No. We need to stay outside. Let mother do her job to help him. As of now, it is best that we wait outside." I wanted to argue and insist on staying, but seeing his brother's worried looks, I decided against it.

If anyone can help, it would be his family.

We all exited the greenhouse to wait outside. Everyone sat on the ground together, but Nate drew me back and laid his cape on the ground before I could sit. He looked at me and motioned for me to sit. He abruptly left and sat on the opposite side before I could even thank him.

Seriously, what is up with him? Did I do something that made him mad?

I sat on the cape Nate had laid out for me, deciding that there would be time to ask him later. Ren sat next to me, and Dan sat at his other side. Eltur and Darem just stood there, both casting worried glances at the greenhouse's entrance.

"So what is up with Prince Ace's powers anyway?" Ren said, addressing both Eltur and Darem. "You make it sound like whatever this gift he has is something special."

We all watched and waited for Ace's brothers to answer, but they only said nothing but exchanged wary glances with each other. They were hiding something, and I bet that whatever it is, it is something important.

"Your highness," Said Nate as he addressed them formally. "If you know something that might concern Prince Ace, then we have the right to know. Something like this is unnatural. We all live in one palace, and if ever something similar happens to him again, we want to be well-informed so we would know what to do."

Between the two, Darem was the only one who still seemed doubtful, while Eltur looked slightly convinced as he stopped frowning and began to ponder Nate's words.

"Please. We want to know." I added.

Prince Eltur cast one last glance before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair before looking back at us. "Alright."

"Eltur!" Darem siad warningly.

"It's okay, Darem," Eltur said reassuringly to his brother. "I do think that they have the right to know." Then he looked back at us. His eyes blazed with intensity as they did. "I'm going to trust you all on this so long as you give me your word that you will not tell another soul of this."

For a brief moment Nate, Ren, Dan, and I caught each other's gaze as if on silent agreement. We looked back at Eltur once again and agreed to this condition simultaneously.


"You have my word."

"Mine too."

"So is mine."

"Very well," Eltur said, satisfied. Darem, on the other hand, was still having his doubts seeing as he avoided making eye contact with any of us - not even his brother. But any thoughts of trying to change his brother's mind quickly disappeared once Eltur started talking. "To make things more understandable, I am going to start from the beginning."

"According to legends, the first elf was so beloved by the spirits that he was bestowed with a special gift. He has the ability to see through the eyes of animals and feel his surroundings as he moves through the forest. He can control the animals as long as they let him, and he can bring dead plants back to life. He is said to be able to control vines and move trees. It is a powerful and dangerous gift that his fellow elves feared if it fell into the wrong hands, it could destroy everything. Lucky for them, King Grubert was a kind man."

"King Grubert? The first elf king? He doesn't have a gift!" said Dan.

"He does."

"I read books and records about previous kings, and it all says there that he doesn't have any gift. He was an exception." Dan insisted, making us all give him funny looks. "What? I read books too!" He said defensively and crossed his arms over his chest while pouting.

"Your information would have been accepted if you were given the real information about King Grubert." Eltur looked grim as he said it.

"Real information?" This time, Nate spoke, and he raised an eyebrow at Eltur. "You mean to say that the information that you have given about King Grubert was false?" Nate frowned as he said all these things to Eltur. "Do you know the consequences for you and your people for handing out false information about your rulers? You could make an enemy of the whole kingdom!"

Eltur nodded. "That is why I am asking you to keep this a secret."

Nate didn't seem pleased at this but shut his mouth as he listened. Eltur continued, "Actually, King Grubert was not the only one to have such a gift. King Lyorr too." Nate opened his mouth to scream again at the false information of the elf people, but Eltur cut him off with a raise of his hand. "These two kings were the only ones who ever possessed this gift in the past centuries. Ace is the third."

"Ace!?" We all screamed in unison.

"It's PRINCE!"

~*~*~END OF CHAPTER~*~*~

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