Chapter 10 Touch Move

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I stopped laughing. My eyes went wide in surprise. I saw him smirk at me at my gaping face. "H-How did you.....know?"

He shrugged his shoulders as if it were obvious. "Well it was pretty obvious from the way you dressed and the way you act. Plus the nonsense that the Queen is blabbering about training you as a Princess. Everyone knows that a princess is already trained in their child days."

My mouth formed an 'O'. "So who else knows?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. "All the Princes know."


"By the way," He shifted on his seat. "Since I had caught you first that means that you and I will have our training tomorrow."

"Double crap!"

"Oh, shut up. You're not the only one who's in agony you know. It's all your fault."

I raised my head and glared daggers at him. "My fault?!"

"Yes, if you had just sat on the couch as I asked you to, then I wouldn't have to carry you and make contact!" Our voices were already rising.

What the hell is this? Touch move!?

"Excuse me but if you just minded your own business, then none of this would have happened!"

"What am I supposed to do?! Leave you there on the floor? Fine! Next time I'll let you freeze to death on the spot!"

"Get off your high horse. Freezing to death just by sitting on the floor isn't possible!"

"Not yet. But I hope you're the first one!"

"Fine!" I spat

"Fine!" He spat back. He raised his hands in surrender as he got up. "You know what? Just meet me here in the morning. I'm leaving for today."

Not wanting to be left alone I followed. He stopped and his head turned to me. "Why are you following?"

"I'm leaving too."

"No! I'm leaving first. You stay here." He ordered, not wanting me to tag along.

"No way! I'm leaving too." I started to make my way around him but he stopped me.

"Stay!" He ordered.

"What am I? A dog? Move!" I pushed.

"I said I was leaving first! Don't cut in!"

"Who are you? My mom? Move!" I pushed harder but he was too strong. We wrestled like that until both of us finally gave up. "Alright alright! Well go out together!" He growled. He walked to the double doors and opened with. He turned to me and jerked his head. A gesture that meant to get my butt out of here before he changes his mind. I quickly got out with a victorious smirk.

He closed the door behind him and gave me a murderous glare. Wow, if looks could kill I would be dead.

"Now get out of my sight before I might do something that I might regret."

"What? You're going to be nice? Eww!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself." He started to leave when his eyes lowered to my bare feet. He raised his eyebrow. "Where's your shoes?"

"Err...." I hesitated. Where are they? I remember throwing them at the twins...

"Princess!!" To my far left, I heard the twins calling me. Each of them holding a shoe. Yep, my shoes are with them alright.

Ace turned his attention to the two, his eyes focusing on my shoes in their hands. Understanding flashed in his face as the answer from his question appeared in front of him. A smile found its way to his lips. "I'll be on my way now. Good luck and don't forget about tomorrow." With that, he made an exit as the twins approached, panting.

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