Chapter 57 Stranger

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Chapter 57

His voice...his voice sounds so foreign in my ears. It was demanding and threatening that I could not understand my feeling right now. Is it fear or relief?

When the man didn't make a move in releasing me, Fred's face hardened and, using his other hand, placed it on top of the man's wrist. I heard him mumble a few words, and a second later, the man was screaming in pain, and I was freed from his grip.

I saw smoke coming from the area where Fred had touched him. My eyes widened when I saw the burned mark on his wrist. The skin on his wrist was red, and I could see a few areas spotted in black. It was a sickening sight.

Fred must have seen the look of horror on my face because he immediately drew me towards him and shielded me from the sight. He started rubbing my back to calm me down as I gripped his shirt tightly.

"Prince Frederick, is everything alright?" I heard another voice in the scene, and I tilted my head to see a guard standing before the screaming man.

"Yes," Fred said.

Another guard appeared. "Your highness, we found the missing people and have now arrested the kidnappers."

"Good." Said Fred gestured towards the man on the ground. "Take this man with you and escort the victims. Make sure they return home safely."

While one of the guards dragged the man away, the others cast a curious glance at me. "Prince Frederick, would you like us to escort her as well?"

I felt Fred's hold on me tighten and moved me farther beside him to hide me from the guard's view. "No. I'll take care of her. You may leave now."

The guard made a respectful bow at Fred before leaving Fred and me alone in the deserted area.

There was an awkward silence in the air before I heard Fred sighing. "Are you alright?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Were you afraid?"

I paused for a second before I replied by giving him a single nod. Fred released me from his hold to look at me. I saw his eyes soften, making me recognize the Fred I once knew back at Thalia. I don't know who or where that side of him went, but I was happy seeing the old Fred that I started tearing up for now.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, Rose." His thumb wiped away the single tear running on my cheek. "I'm here now. It's all right."

"Those damn Nymphs," I muttered.

Fred looked slightly taken aback by my words. "What?"


Fred studied me for a moment before taking my hand. "Come. I will take you to the palace. The others are worried about you."

At the mention of the others, I looked up at him.

Crap, with the sudden turn of events, I almost forgot about them and the upcoming wrath of PRINCE Ace.

"Where are they? Are they alright?" I asked.

Fred chuckled. "They are." He said and started leading the way while holding my hand. "I was really shocked when I found them at the doorstep of the palace a few minutes ago. They looked frantic and started asking where you were."

I tried not to focus on the fact that I was holding hands with Fred, so I looked up and stared at the back of his head. "They were all there?"

Fred nodded. "Yeah. Well, at least Nate, Ren, and Dan were there. They said that PRINCE Ace stayed behind to look for you a bit longer."

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