Chapter 7 It's Not A Dream

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I woke up feeling heavy and hot. My face felt sloppy so I wiped the back of my hand across my face. When I brought it back I saw a hint of makeup. I cursed when I remembered that I had slept with both the dress and the makeup on. I also noticed that I was in a foreign room. I panicked and threw the covers away.

Great, so it wasn't a dream after all.

What are my parents doing right now? Are they worried? Did they call the police or even a search party? What about my friend Jen? Is she worried? Did they think that I ran away?

I really wished that this was a dream. The time when I helped that old woman outside of the store, I didn't expect that this would be my reward for being a Good Samaritan. I just have the worst luck in the world.

I hauled myself up using my elbows and groaned in pain as I felt a sting on my neck. I guess I slept on the wrong side of the bed.

I did a little stretch. It felt good to the muscles. I walked to my balcony glass door and separated the curtains that covered it. Quickly, the early morning light brushed my skin giving me a welcoming heat and quickly brightened up the room. I opened the door and went to the balcony. It gave an overview of a grassy land filled with different kinds of flowers with rich colors. I enjoyed the soothing fragrance that it provided. It helped me to gather my thoughts.

I wonder if there's some sort of key out of this world. Perhaps I could ask the Queen about that later.

Once I was done thinking, I decided to go and take a shower first since I probably look horrible with the make up still on. With each step I took it felt so weird. Maybe this is how it feels when you're not used to the place you are in.

"Good morning, Princess." I jumped as soon as I noticed a maid standing by my bed.

My jaw dropped and I pointed a finger at her. "H-How long have you been there? Why didn't I notice you?"

She said nothing and clapped her hand. Immediately, more maids entered the room and assisted me to the bathroom just like yesterday. The bathroom was huge. It was white and the floors were tiled. I took a dip, actually they tossed me for being uncooperative, in the lavender filled tub and quickly relaxed at the wariness of the water.

Surely someone had filled this before I could have awoken since everything here was already prepared. From the tub to the shampoos and towels. I wish I had a rubber ducky, not that I ever had one.

I spent the rest of my 30 minutes there, playing with the bubbles since I was bored. None of the maids were willing to talk to me and were busy scrubbing my back. Once we were done, they wrapped me in a bathrobe.

On my bed I saw a yellow dress laid out. It's sleeve was a little puffy on the shoulder and the rest of it was elegantly straight up to the wrist. It was made of smooth material. It was long but I don't think it's that long that it'll reach the bottom. I glared at it murderously.

On top of it was a note. The handwriting was in a neat cursive form.

Hello there my little niece!

I have prepared a dress for you! Isn't it cute?! You should be thankful.


I stared at the note in disbelief. This Queen is crazy if she thinks that I'll thank her for a dress!!

Well, I don't have to worry about the dress since I do have my clothes from yesterday. Good thing that I hid it so I would have a back up. I don't even care if it stinks or not. I'll just pour some perfume on it.

Throwing the note aside. I reached for the pillow where I had hid my clothes from yesterday. When I lifted the pillow I didn't see my clothes but instead I saw another note.

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