Chapter 63 Drowning A Mermaid By PRINCE Ace

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Chapter 63


Ace's vision was getting blurry. He was alone in the woods as he hunted for food when a splitting headache suddenly attacked him. He grabbed onto a tree trunk and leaned his weight slightly onto it for support.

What the hell is wrong with me?! Ace thought.

Lately, he has started having headaches that either make his nose bleed or blackouts at night. Sometimes the pains are mild, and he has trouble sleeping at night. It's also becoming hard to hide it from the others every day, and he would want nothing more than to kill them when they find out.

Ace tasted something metallic and felt something cold in his mouth. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand, only to see blood. "Great," he grumbled as he drew a cloth from his pocket to wipe the blood from his nose. His headache was gradually dissipating, and he was able to move around again. He pocketed the cloth after the blood was gone.

He looked around in the forest as he searched for squirrels or rabbits. That useless vampire told him specifically that he can only skin and gut small animals.


So far, he could not see any squirrels or rabbits nearby. They must have been hiding somewhere or are far too small for him to see. Either way he has to hunt fast. He wasted enough time cleaning his blood, and he didn't want them to think that he was having trouble with his hunting.

He started to close his eyes and concentrate around him. He used his ability to see into the forest and get a feel of the living and breathing creatures. There is no point in him killing his gift anymore by waiting ten more years. He was getting attuned to it already, and he finds it convenient occasionally.

Then he spotted them. Two squirrels were fighting over an acorn on a tree just above him. Another is 5.7 meters 8 o'clock from him and then three fully grown rabbits East.

He used his ability through his eyes. He grabbed some arrows and first targeted the rabbits since they were in a group and were more likely to flee since they were on the ground. Once he knocked the arrows, he hit the squirrel at 8 o'clock before shooting the two above him. It was a quick kill. All arrows are directed to their heads to make their endless pain.

He heard the drops of the squirrels that he killed falling from the trees. He gathered his kill, strapped them to his belt, and headed back to camp.

Once he arrived, he dropped the kill in front of Nate. "Gut and skin them quick so we can leave." He told him. He walked past him and settled on to sit on a log beside Midnight. Ace saw the idiot twins gushing about their berries and showing them to each other like little girls squealing over something girly.

"Has anyone seen Rose?" Idiot twin number one - Ace doesn't care about his name nor did he even know - asked.

"What? Miss her already?" Idiot twins number two wiggle his eyebrow at number one.

"Brother, she's been gone for far too long. Surely fetching water wouldn't take that long."

Well, if he's talking about fetching water, why doesn't he do it? He's a dog. But now that he mentioned it, the blonde idiot seemed to be missing. Again.

The vampire seemed to pause gutting and looked up at the simpleton twins. "Should we go look for her?"

"We should." Twin number one asked, making him breathe out heavily. These fools are always worrying about her. No wonder she acts like a spoiled brat when she's with them.

"She'll be back. Probably took too long because she got eaten by a lion or something." Ace said tiredly and earned strange looks from the others. Then he realized that he had said it out loud.

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