Chapter 60 Sing My Goodbye

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Chapter 60

I am so going to kill that guy when I get out of here! If I get out, that is.

I began walking aimlessly through the maze. I continued to walk and walk, but I couldn't find a way out. I've always admired Mazes, and if I wasn't the one in it, I was pretty good at it. I'm a woman with no sense of direction, and that jerk just led me through a maze! For me, that is the equivalent of a lifetime in prison.

"Rose?" It was Fred's voice. And it was coming somewhere in the maze too. That's it! Fred! He might know a way out.

For the sake of getting out of this maze, I suddenly forgot all my disdain for him. I was starting to feel claustrophobic, and I was one minute away from screaming in fear.

"Fred? Where are you?" I asked.

"Over here!" He called out, and I turned from corner to corner as I tried to follow his voice in the maze.



I kept running, and I guess he is trying to find me too. One time I heard him on the other side of the hedge, and a minute later, he was hedged away from me. I feel that we were going around in circles calling for each other.



Where is he!?


No answer. Did he give up and cry?


No answer again.

Ugh! This is making me sick. What if I just play football and tackle this hedge, go straight, until I find my way out? Sure it would destroy their fancy garden, but I am certain that they would rather fix it than find a dead body, right?

I braced myself and faced my shoulder to the hedge to my right as I readied myself to tackle it. "Alright then. One, two, three-!" I was just about to make contact with the hedge when I saw a yellow bob of light like a firefly headed my way. It hovered over my face, and I shooed it away with my hand, but it was still bugging me. It was getting annoying that I tried to karate chop it. "Hiya!"

It dodged my attack. Maybe I should try again.

"Rose?" I turned to the side to see Fred coming out of a corner panting. His blonde hair was a mess, and he was only wearing a white button-down polo shirt with brown khaki pants. His shirt was sweaty, and I could see droplets of sweat coming down from his forehead to the side of his left swollen cheek. He looked relieved when he saw me, and I could wager that I mirrored his look.

He suddenly ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug. Despite the dirt and sweat on him, I could smell his familiar scent. To me, this was the Fred that I know.

"I'm sorry." He started to say. "I'm so sorry, Rose. For everything. For making you cry. I don't mean any of it, I swear. Just please, talk to me again. Don't hate me." The last part came out as a whisper, and I couldn't help but smile as I hugged him back. It really is him. He's back.

I ran my finger through his golden locks when I patted his head and said, "I know, Fred. I know." Fred moved back and looked at me with those childlike eyes and stared at me in wonder. I laughed. "I heard you last night."

Fred's face was surprised. I'm guessing he has no idea I was pretending to sleep the whole time. He blushed, which I never expected to see from him. He's embarrassed, but he's still staring at me, and I realize he's waiting for my response.

"I forgive you," I said.

As soon as I said those three words, I saw him smile again. That very smile that I miss him wears so much.

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