Chapter 75 Party of Rogues

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Chapter 75

I gulped and hid behind Ace to avoid the man's stare. "A-Actually, I am just a plebian who's passing by?" My mouth automatically said.

"She's none of your concern." Ace said, moving forward to obstruct the rogue's eyes on me. The other princes made their way towards us and stood beside Ace. I was terrified because I had a feeling things weren't going to end well without someone getting hurt.

"I was just asking. I mean, come on. You don't get to see girls in these parts of the woods that much. Especially in Tereau. We just want to have some fun. Princess, what do you say to a party? Hmm? sounds good?"

"Don't speak to her, you bastard!" Ren snarled, and I noticed Dan grabbing his brother's arm to keep him from charging. Ren shot a glare at his brother, but Dan seemed unfazed as he returned his gaze. The two were clearly having mental conversations.

"As much as we would like to stay at your party, I must say that we decline. See, we are in a bit of a hurry here." Nate said calmly. Among them, he was the only one who still seemed convinced that they would work this ourt with words.

"What? Just because us petty rogues throw a party doesn't mean you higher bloods can decline. Psh! Boring. How about you boys? What do you say to a party?" The man turned to his companions and heard them cheer.

"This is getting bad," Nate said to Ace while keeping his eyes on the rogues.

"Mutt number 2." Said Ace.

"What?" Asked Ren and Dan at the same time.

"I said mutt number two," Ace repeated. The twins only gave him a confused look, which irritated Ace. "Who's younger?!"

"Me," said Dan.

"By a few minutes," Ren added.

"Doesn't matter! You're mutt number two. When things go bad, you take Rose out of here and flee. Take a right at the first opportunity. There will be a small clearing with a large rock there. When you see it, you turn right. Locate a river flow using your hearing. It will be faint if you are in your human form, so I recommend that you switch to your mutt form."

"It's wolf form." Dan and Ren muttered.

"I said it doesn't matter!"

"Hey, aren't there supposed to be five of you? Where's the other one?" The rogue suddenly asked as he cast his eyes at us. He must have thought that we were playing tricks on him because he began to scan the area while the others readied themselves to pounce.

"He's not here." Said Nate. "He's not a candidate anymore."

"What? That's boring. He won't be able to join the party. Well, not like you princes are needed in the party anyway." I began to hear swords being pulled from their sheaths and snarls that came from a few of them. I gulped.

"Mutt number two!" Ace yelled.

"Rose, come!" Dan suddenly pulled my arm as we ran to his right. "Hurry, Rose," Dan was yelling as I struggled to gather my skirt and keep up with his pace. "What about them!?" I asked worriedly as I looked back. The three of them - Nate, Ren, and Ace - were blocking the path we had just taken and were fighting off rogues. But with the number of rogues ganging up on them, I could barely see the princes. My heart sank.

"There's too many of them!"

"Numbers don't define victory. It's the quality of the skills. Keep running, Rose. And don't look back." He said. Obviously, I was being a burden to them, so I did as I was told and followed Dan through the woods while I prayed for the princes' safety.

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