Chapter 74 Deer Chase

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Chapter 74

"Now listen here, bloodsucker. Ren and I have nothing to do with this. This was all your fault." Dan said while pointing at Nate.

"Me? Who's idea was it to chase the deer for our next meal?" Nate retorted.

"Ours, obviously." Ren Admitted. "But it wasn't our idea to get deep into the woods." He threw a hand and gestured around us at the thick woods surrounding our group.

"My idea? I only suggested that we have a small competition on who catches the deer first to know who's a better hunter!"

"See? Bad idea." Dan pointed out.

"How is that a bad idea?" By the tone of his voice, Nate was clearly getting frustrated.

"Every competition with us will most likely end in a disaster. You, Nate, of all people should know that." Dan crossed his arms and gave Nate a disappointed look.

As the three idiots continued to argue, I was busy looking at our map, trying to figure out where we were. Now, I know this is unusual of me trying to be helpful, but hey, when I'm bored, I just do things - even when it means helping.

But of course, you guys would be wondering how on earth did we manage to get ourselves lost now, wouldn't you? I'll keep it short, starting from when Ace left me in the mud to find my way back to the castle. Apparently, news travels fast - and when I say news I meant Ren - because as soon as we got home, Ace's whole family was there, including his father, King Klaus - Santa KLAUS!

Yeah...don't tell the king I made fun of his name.

It was a happy reunion. We had a big feast that night with Ace's brothers hugging him like crazy and Ace almost stabbing them with a butter knife - this was so brutal - that if Nora wasn't there sitting on his lap with him feeding her, it would have gone bloody.

We left the next day, but not before bringing some fresh new clothes and stocking up on food and water. After a few miles away from Tordis' kingdom, the twins saw this deer and thought it would be a great idea to try hunting for our own food. Then Nate suggested holding a competition to see who is the best hunter of all.

Don't get me wrong: they're all excellent hunters. Ace in particular - yeah, I admit he's pretty good looking back on how he collaborated with Ren to kill that giant snake. However, when the three of them began arguing about who was the better killer, they spooked the deer, causing it to flee. As a result, we started chasing. It wouldn't have gotten that far if the three weren't so intent on knocking each other off their horses. Ace appeared to have had enough when he took his bow and arrow and struck the deer cleanly between the eyes. It was a clean kill. And only when the deer was dead did we notice that we were already in an unfamiliar part of the forest.

"You know what, brother? I say we kill this vampire slowly. Open up a small wound on his stomach and carefully pull out his insides." Dan said without a trace of disgust on his face.

"I agree," Ren said and pulled out a forked. "How does a multiple holes in the stomach sound to make a cut?"

Dan shook his head at Ren. "Bad idea, brother. Very bad indeed." He said and looked at Ren with a sinister smile. "I like it."

"You two badly need help!" Nate declared before he addressed me. "So, Rose. Any luck on finding out where we are?"

"What?" I asked and looked down on the map on my lap. Hey, hold on a minute. Where's my map? I looked at Cloud, standing beside me while I sat on the ground. She was chewing some sort of ancient-looking piece of crappy paper and - HOLY SHIT! SHE'S EATING THE MAP!

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