Chapter 55 Lost

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Chapter 55

"I'm sorry, Princess Rose."

"Sorry, Rose."

The next day, the king and Dan apologized to me. We were about to depart the castle when Ren decided to burst out and scold both his father and brother for shutting us in a room yesterday. It turns out no one knew about it until now. The queen and Nate were shocked, while Ace seemed expressionless as always.

The queen seemed furious at her husband and son that she asked them to apologize to us - she even pinched their ears when they refused.

"What about me?" Ren asked when he realized that the king and Dan were only apologizing to me. The king and Dan only looked at Ren with a blank face.

"Oh, you're still there, boy?" The king asked bitterly while Dan added, "Get out of here."

I swear, the king and Dan are more like twins than Ren and Dan.


"It's alright. I forgive the king." I said. The king turned to me with a grateful look and nodded his thanks.

"What about me?" Dan asked, giving me his puppy dog eyes. To which I returned with an unpleasant one.

"Don't talk to me," I said, making Ren laugh and stuck his tongue out at his twin.

"Ha! Take that for punishment," Ren said with a victorious look on his face and earned a sharp backhand to the head from Dan.

"Ow! Dan," Ren growled at his brother. If Dan noticed the murderous look his brother was giving him, he ignored it as he started to whistle like nothing happened.

"Princess, we're leaving." Nate stepped beside me and placed a hand at my back as he faced the king and queen of Sanver. "Thank you for your hospitality, your majesty." He told them.

The king and queen smiled and nodded at Nate in acknowledgment. "It's our pleasure." Said the queen. Her eyes suddenly found mine. "You all are welcome to visit here anytime."

"Even for a lifetime!" The king said as he grinned at me.

I smiled awkwardly before returning my gaze to the king and queen. "Thanks. I'll....think about it." I said and let Nate lead me away from them.

Once I thought that we were at a safer distance, I leaned onto Nate, and I whispered into his ear. "I swear Ren and Dan's parents want to adopt me."

Nate looked down on me with an amused look in his eyes. "Do they?" He asked and chuckled when I nodded eagerly.

Nate assisted me in mounting Cloud before returning to his own ride. From where I sat, I observed Ren and Dan bid their goodbyes to their parents before making their way to Garius and Wyren, who made happy noises when they spotted them.

A few meters from us, I saw Ace with Midnight by the palace gate and decided to head towards him. I pulled on Cloud's reign to a stop beside Ace. He hadn't noticed me yet as he gazed out into the woods, looking distracted. I thought he was only daydreaming or something when I saw that his face had grown pale, and he started to wobble.

"Ace?" He started to lean towards my side and would have fallen if I hadn't pushed him back. "PRINCE Ace!" I raised my voice a little louder, and finally, he seemed to have regained his consciousness. When he sat up and looked at me, I noticed the tired look on his eyes behind the hair strands that obstructed them.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. He looks tired. Did he not get enough sleep?

Ace closed his eyes for a bit and let out a long breath before opening them again. "Fine." He said, and his midnight blue eyes suddenly focused on me. "I should be asking you that question."

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