Chapter 58 My Escort is a Snob

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Chapter 58 

There are a million words for me to describe this moment, a million ways to express what I feel, and definitely a million ways for me to deal with this situation right now: Unbelievable!

After running away from Fred and meeting Ace along the way gave me time to think.

As I was thinking, I thought of how nice PRINCE Ace was to me as he carried me to Midnight and made our way to the palace. How considerable, unselfish, sensitive, and respectful he was, and he didn't even bother to ask me why I was crying when he found me.

He must be a fake. Yes. He must be.

"Why were you crying?" Ace asked for the hundred nth time.

I gritted my teeth and focused on the back of Midnight's head as we made our way through the forest. Honestly, that PRINCE is so nosy. Can't he take a hint that I don't want to talk about it!? "I wasn't crying." You could tell the annoyance in my voice as I answered him.

"You think my coat wet themselves to the exact spot where you buried your ugly face?"

I have to fight the urge to throw my elbow back and hit him in the stomach. "I don't know what you're talking about. All I can tell you was I wasn't crying." I snapped.

"Not crying my ass. You almost blew your snot if I did not pull you back. Also, your eyes are a bit puffy." He pointed out.

"I did not!" I argued and almost killed myself when I tried to turn 180 degrees to face him.

"Did you smell that?" He suddenly asked. It was clearly a change of topic, and I was glad about that.

I suddenly looked around and up at the darkening sky and took a sniff. Nothing. I moved my body sideways so I could look at Ace. "I don't smell anything," I said.

"There isn't." He said and looked at me. "But I did hear your snot. Your nose is wet, which only proves that you were crying."

Touché. Smartass.

"Will you just drop it!" I finally lost it and raised my voice at him. I was angry. All those feelings bubbled up inside of me ever since I saw Fred came loose, and Ace was the unfortunate soul to unleash it. "Listen here, pal. I have a lot of things happening to me the moment I stepped foot on this world, and the only person I think I could count on turned out to be a complete jerk and left. I don't need you pestering me about what happened to me, because let me tell you, IT'S NOT OKAY, so shut up." My voice rose and echoed in the forest.

Ace gave me a blank look, and I noticed that our horse stopped, but I did not lose eye contact with Ace. His brow seemed to furrow as he studied before it came into a frown. "Very well then." He said and hopped off of Midnight. Once he was on the ground again, he reached out and pulled me down.

I let out a yelp of surprise as Ace carried me down and settled me on the ground. He turned his back to me and climbed back on his horse, and took off at a slow pace. Did he just...?

"Hey!" I ran after him and settled on for a brisk walk beside Midnight. I glared up at Ace. "What's the big idea?!"

"You said you don't need my help. I guess that also means that you can walk your way to the palace." Ace said without looking at me.

That imbecile! Doesn't his conscience bother him that he left a girl in the woods in the middle of the night? Well, I should have known the moment I figured out he has no soul.

I rubbed my hand to my face in frustration before turning to face Ace again. "That was not what I meant!"

Ace then cast me a side glance and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Then what do you mean by that?"

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