Chapter 67 Feradin Brothers

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Chapter 67 

"Um...what about the 'friends' part?" Ren asked as soon as Darem disappeared behind the castle doors.

"You mean 'best friends' part." Dan corrected him with a frown. "Somehow, I feel like I am not going to get along with Ace's brother."

"Why is that, brother?"

"It's a brother's intuition, Ren," Dan answered him with a shrug. "Just trust me on this."

"You are all neither my friends nor my best friends." Ace said, looking annoyed. "Let's go. I think it's about time for us to leave."

As Ace turned the other way around, Nate was there blocking his way. "No, we are not. We came here to get you cured of whatever illness you have."

Ace and Nate then engaged in a staring contest. I thought Ace would win because he was half an inch taller than Nate. Not to mention that he had a natural death look on his face, but he didn't. Nate stood firm in his stance, and I admired him for that.

"Fine." Ace finally said and headed for the castle. "But if things get bad, we leave." He said before we all made our way to the castle door and entered.

Inside, I appreciated the uniqueness of the palace. The wall is covered in vines that curl here and there, giving the place an aged appearance while also being stunning. Plants of various varieties were hung on the walls, the stairs, and the room's corners.

I would have described more of the palace if it weren't for the footsteps coming from the second floor. We all looked up to see Darem skipping steps as he made his way down the stairs. A huge grin plastered on his face as he looked behind him.

"There he is!" Darem announced, and in a matter of seconds, I saw two figures coming down from the stairs. One is a woman with beautiful straight black hair and a sharp nose. Her skin is pale and tight, and she has green eyes. She was wearing a purple silk flowy dress with a connected cape of sheer purple. A golden cuff was at her upper right arm, and many bracelets decorated her wrist. A golden crown perched on top of her head, making her look like a goddess.

Next to her is another good-looking male elf. He seemed to be a few years older than Darem and had long silver hair that he pinned the sides to his back. He was wearing something more formal with a golden brown long-sleeved coat that has cuffs at the side and feathery designs that form a vest, black pants, and boots. The elf also wore a ring around his head with a curving design at the front. Golden ear cuffs glittered on each ear as he ran. The two joined Darem as they made their way to us. Both elves looked slightly shocked and relieved to see Ace.

"Ace." The woman said and clasped a hand to her mouth. "My son, is that you?"

"Mother." Ace answered.

"Good to see you, little brother. Big brother misses you so much! The other elf with the white hair said as he looked at Ace. "Can I hug you?"

"No." Ace gave his brother a warning look when he attempted to hug him anyway.

"Mom, Eltur," Darem called the attention of the two as he directed his gaze on me. "Ace brought a girl!" He squealed in excitement and rudely pointed a finger at me.

If I had been in the mood, I would have lectured him in Ren and Dan's voices about how impolite the gesture was, but when the two elves turned their attention to me, all I could do was hide behind Ren. They gasped when they saw me before looking at Ace.

Well, that's his problem now.

"Ace.." The woman said in disbelief and looked at Ace as if he were a stranger.

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