Chapter 73 Return to Thalia

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Chapter 73 

The moment Ace jumped down from the tree did I notice something. "Did you just call me that woman?" I know it wasn't the time, but how dare he!?

"Ren!" I said and ran towards Ren, who was now back on his feet and looking at Ace.

"That snake is a Boa. They don't have poison, but they can kill you through constriction. They are tough to find and detect because part of their ability is to conceal their presence. They are strong and would most likely require five men to take it down. But your strength and my skills are more than enough. Help me kill this monster." Ace said to Ren.

Ren was stunned that the elf prince was asking for his help, but he gave him a curt nod.

Ace returned the nod. "A Boa's weakness is cutting its head. You distract it while I find a way to its back and cut off its head. Stay clear of its good eye; it will give you an advantage."

Ren frowned and made eye contact with Ace. He shifted on his feet and bounced on his heels.

"No, I do not doubt your skills in battle. It's just that you are too injured and have bruised and cracked ribs. Your wolf is not healing that fast." Ace said, which made me think that Ren must have said something to him using his Alpha link.

Ren made a noise again. "I am not insulting your wolf, mutt!" Now Ace was losing his temper. "Now, get out there and distract the damn thing so we can kill it already!"

Ren's wolf flinched and made some grunting sounds before charging at the snake. He stood in front of its bad eye and poked the branch that I embedded into its vision. The snake roared when Ren pushed it farther back and jumped out of the way when the snake snapped at him. Ren returned it with a growl.

"Keep my sister safe, Rose. And you too." I took my eyes off of Ren to look at Ace. His back was to us so I couldn't see his face as he said it. He sounded sincere, but I couldn't help but wonder if that tone of voice only applies to Nora or the both of us.

When the snake's back was fully exposed to Ace, he began to move. He began to run and jumped as quickly and as light as a cat, breaking his bow into two twin blades and slicing the snake's head. Ren jumped up and finished the job because the cut was not too deep.

I managed to keep Nora's eyes covered throughout the entire cutting process, keeping her safe from the gruesome image that we had to witness. As the snake's head landed and rolled a few feet back, its blood began to spill and pool on the ground. Ace and Ren were covered in blood as they walked towards us.

"Aish!" Nora screamed and pulled herself away from me to run to Ace. Ace dropped his bloody weapon to the ground and wiped the blood on his pants before he went to carry Nora. "You're cuwed!"

"I'm so glad you are safe, Nora." Ace whispered as he hugged her.

I smiled and watched with envy as the siblings hugged. It made me want to hug my sister right now, but I know it is impossible.

'I'm glad you're safe, Rose.' I felt a nudge at my side and saw Ren in wolf form looking down at me.

"I should be saying it to you," I said and gave him a light pat on his shoulder.

'Ow! Careful. My skin is sensitive!' He said, making me laugh. Look at this massive wolf whine. He sounds more like a pup than a wolf.

"I think it is time for us to head back right now." Ace suddenly said, nodding at Ren and me as he placed Nora back on the ground. He picked up his weapon and strapped it to his back. "Let's go."

Nora ran back to me and held my hand. "Come on, Wose, Wen!" She said and beamed brightly. Ace's eyes suddenly narrowed when he saw how close we were to his sister.

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