Chapter 50 Twin Idiots

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Chapter 50 

I woke up in the middle of the night. It was our second night sleeping out in the woods ever since we left the kingdom of Vertez and I'm still not getting used to the loud snoring of the twins. Like seriously, can't they sleep peacefully? It's bad enough that they are loud when they are awake, and even when sleeping, they still can't shut up!?

I sat up and glared at the twins through the fire before looking bitterly at Nate, who didn't seem to mind the noise and was sleeping peacefully.

Well, if you count, sleeping like a model who was pursing his lips and smiling creepily. I'd say he was having a good dream.

I had picked up a stick and was about to hurl it at the twins because I was frustrated with being sleep-deprived when I heard someone cough. As I turned around, I noticed PRINCE Ace squatting on the ground with his back against one of the trees. I noticed how his brow creased in pain and sweat formed on his forehead as he groaned silently.

I moved my body so that I was facing him. "Ace? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly in a hushed voice. Despite the fact that the man was the PRINCE of the underworld, I was concerned by the sight of pain on his face.

Ace looked up in surprise before he breathed deeply and sat up straighter. A second later, the pained look on his face vanished when he addressed me with a frown. "I told you it's PRINCE Ace." He said before he looked away. "I'm fine. Go back to bed."


"I said go to sleep! I'm taking my first watch." He said firmly without looking at me.

Well, if he's still a jerk, then I think he's going to live for another night. Still, I can't shake off the feeling that something is wrong with him. Perhaps he's sick?

I averted my gaze from him and turned to the sleeping pigs with a frustrated sigh. "As much as I would love to do that, I can't," I said while glaring at the twins once again.

Ace seemed to follow my gaze. Wordlessly he got up from his spot and walked towards me before taking off his coat and throwing it at my face without warning. I pulled it off of my face and gave him an annoyed look aimed at him.

"Use that to cover your ears. Its material is thick, so it should drown down their pig-like snore a bit." He said before walking back. I was still too stunned by his action that I forgot my manners to say thank you.

Ace sat back down on his spot and when he still saw me looking, he frowned. "What are you still looking at?! Go to sleep!" He growled.

I swallowed and held the coat even tighter before using it as a cushion covering my ears with the sleeves. The material was thick enough that I could almost drown out the snoring. But, despite his coat's assistance, it took me a long time to fall asleep since I kept thinking how this sort of gesture was so out of character coming from PRINCE Ace.


"Wakey wakey princess!" I groaned and turned to my side as I tried to block out the sun and the voice of Dan. I need more sleep!

"Good morning, princess! It's time to get up." Ren joined in, and suddenly I felt them poking my cheeks to wake me.

Irritated by their actions, I sprang up from my makeshift bed and glared murderously at them for their disturbance. I grabbed their cheeks and started to pull them harshly. "Good morning? What's good about the freaking morning?!" I yelled at their ears, making them cringe at the intensity.

"What's up with you? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Dan asked.

"Okay, first, we don't have a bed. And second, WHO'S FAULT DO YOU THINK THIS IS!?!" This time I screamed and threw a thick cloth at them. Ren caught it in mid-air before he looked at it curiously.

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