Chapter 37 Ball of Lies

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Chapter 37 

I stared at her, wondering why she was asking this all of a sudden.

"It's a secret because her race is rare." Came the reply of Nate and turned to Lady Alice and smiled. "Very rare." He said calmly. At that moment, I found myself admiring Nate for speaking up for me.

Lady Alice beamed at Nate before turning her attention to me. Her eyes sparkled with interest as she asked, "That's amazing."

I felt a hand sneaking at my waist, and suddenly, I was pulled towards Nate. I looked and saw him wink. It wasn't his typical flirtatious wink but more of a 'let me handle this' kind of gesture. He returned his gaze back to Lady Alice. "Actually, she's a rare one, so she really can't answer that question at the moment. But personally? I think she's charming in her own way regardless of her race." he said and leaned in to whisper at Lady Alice.

Whatever Nate had said, Lady Alice giggled, making me curious.

I grabbed Nate at the back of his coat and pulled him back. "What did you say to her?"

Nate only gave me an innocent smile which made me all the more curious. "Nothing."

"Princess Rose?" I shifted my attention from Nate to Lady Jay, who was looking at me hesitantly. And just by looking at her, I could tell that she wanted to ask me something. I smiled at her as I released my hold from Nate. "Yes?"

"Um...if you don't mind me asking, the ladies and I are just a bit curious about..." she hesitated and bit her lips as if what she was about to say was bad. And I feared that it might be some kind of rumor about me or something.

Great, a few minutes in the ball, and I'm already the talk of the night.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, it's optional whether you answer this or not...but....we're just curious...." She stopped and looked over at Nate before she pulled me towards her and led me to the other ladies, and they formed a protective circle around me.

"What's going on? Why are we in a circle? Are we playing a game or something?" I asked as I looked around, only to find myself surrounded.

"We just don't want Prince Nate to hear our conversation." Said Lady Honey and looked back towards Nate, who was cocking his head to the side as he looked at us.


"Because we wanted to ask you something that only us girls should hear." Added Lady Holly.

"Okay? What is it that you wanted to ask me?"

All the girls smiled at each other and giggled excitedly before looking back at me. Finally, Lady Sabrina spoke. "Who's your favorite prince?" she asked. Her question caught me off guard that I stared at her as if she grew another head.

"Say what?" I replied and scolded myself for saying that because it wasn't formal.

"Living in a castle with five handsome and popular princes? Surely you find one of them attractive." Added Lady Jay.

"I...Uh...." I was out of words, and I couldn't seem to find my tongue. Fangirls. I just know it.

"Is it Prince Frederick?" Asked Sabrina. "I saw him putting an arm around you earlier while you guys were talking to Lady Rebecca and Lady Solace." Behind her, I saw the rest of the ladies leaving the other princes to join the conversation. Lady Alysha, Lady Kylie, Lady Solace, and Lady Rebecca joined the circle.

"What about that one twin? We saw you two talking comfortably earlier." Lady Alysha commented as Lady Kylie added.

"Yeah, the way you two talk seems like you two are well acquainted." The other ladies then nodded in agreement.

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