Chapter 70 Mr. Vines

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Chapter 70

The following day, I woke up early because of the loud chirping of the birds outside of my room. Normally, I would have a temper tantrum because I am not a morning person, but I couldn't sleep because I was still worried about a particular prince.

I showered and changed my clothes for the day. One of the things I like about this place is that the Elves - I'm not sure if that's the right word - respect your privacy. They simply had everything ready for me when I awoke. I've seen everything from dresses to bath essentials, but no Elf in my room. Then I remembered how, just yesterday, a swarm of Elves appeared in front of the princes and me.

The dress I received was a very silky peach that resembled an evening gown but was more flowy and elegant. It reminds me of tunics, at least according to books and movies. I began pacing around the room to distract myself while brushing my hair.

The room I'm currently staying in is very different from the others I've seen. It was circular in shape, with glowing orbs floating around as lights. The furniture was made of polished wood, and the bed had side posts made of curving branches. Glass windows and a door lead out to the open balcony, where you can hear various birds singing.

I stopped pacing and placed the brush down on the table. How is Ace doing? Did he wake up? Maybe I should go and see for myself. The twins might still be there.

Having that thought in mind, I headed out. I don't exactly remember the details of the place, and I certainly don't have the time. I tried to remember the directions from last night on how to navigate myself to the exit.

Well, that was supposed to be my goal, but I think I took a wrong turn and ended up somewhere that is certainly not the exit.

"Um..." I wondered aloud as I stared at a large spacious room with a long table and chairs. Silver plates and spoons lined the table and in front of each chair. Without meaning to, I think I must have ended up at the dining hall.

Wow. Even without thinking about it, I looked for food. AMAZING.

"Rose?" When I heard a call, I turned to see who it was. Dan was standing outside the kitchen door, carrying a basket. He was looking at me with interest, probably wondering why I was out so early. "This is new." He grinned and began to walk towards me. "Good morning, Rose. What are you doing up so early?"

I smiled. "Morning, Dan. I can't really sleep. Not with all that had happened yesterday." I shrugged and shuffled on my feet.

Dan nodded. "Yeah. I know how you feel." He sounded solemn. Silence fell for a few seconds between us before Dan broke it off as he offered me the basket. "Hungry? I brought a lot of food for Ren." He reached into the basket and handed me an apple. "Here."

I gladly accepted the apple from him because it appeared to be delicious. "Thanks." I said as I bit into an apple. "By the way, where is Ren?" I inquired after swallowing the bite.

"Back at the greenhouse. He's keeping an eye on Ace while I go get something to eat." He said this, and his face changed abruptly as if an evil thought had entered his mind. When he looked at me, he was grinning mischievously at himself, and I couldn't help but take a step back. "Say, Rose. Would you like to come with me to the greenhouse?" He inquired, moving his face closer to mine.

"S-Sure?" I stumbled. Uncomfortable due to the sudden closeness as well as Dan's strange behavior. "How about I go get Nate first and swap places with you and Ren?"

"Great!" Dan beamingly handed me the basket, which was a little too heavy for me. "Here."

"Dan, wha-?"

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