Chapter 53 The Twin Princes

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Chapter 53

I reached out and steadied him. "Nate? Nate! What happened?!" I asked, worried as I held him close. I placed my ear to his chest and tried to listen to his pulse. It was still steady and strong.

"I-I-" He broke off.

"What is it, Nate?" I urged him to continue as I feared for his life. He reeked of blood, and I kept thinking where his wounds could be. Nate started to mumble something that I could hear. "What?" I asked. My voice almost broke.

I heard him taking a deep breath. "I said you smell so good. Can't we stay like this forever?"

It took me a while to process things, but finally, I got to my senses. I kicked Nate in the groin, making him lose his grip on me before I slammed the door to his face and glared at it.

That bastard! It was all a joke!! And to think that I was worried.

Nate was persistent as he knocked on the door. "Hey, I'm sorry. I was just kidding." I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Come on, Princess. Can't you take a joke?"

I opened the door again and glared at Nate. I crossed my arms over my chest as I looked at his appearance. "Seriously, Nate. Sometimes, you take your jokes too far." I chastised him. "Look, you even put fake blood on yourself."

"About that..." Nate looked away, laughing nervously. "It's actually real blood - animal blood that is. I learned how to skin a squirrel!" Nate brought out a cloth and started to unfold it, revealing a dead and skinned squirrel. He looks so happy and proud as he raised it.

My skin crawled at the sight, and I could feel my face scrunch up in disgust. "Ugh!" I stepped back and slammed the door once again at his face.

"Princess? Hey! Princess, open the door!!" Nate yelled from the other side while knocking.

"You are so disgusting, Nate! Why would you even bring that here?"

"I was trying to learn how to skin so the next time we travel; we can hunt and actually get to eat it!" He said. "And I was hoping that you can come along so we can learn together. Pleaaaassseeee?"

"Not a chance!" I growled at the door.

"Princess." I turned around to see the maids looking at me in concern before glaring at the door. Crap, I forgot about them.

"Would you like us to dispose of that vampire?" There was seriousness in their words that I actually felt afraid for Nate. These guys are serious!

"Princeeessssss Rosalie Amber Staaaaaann, COME WITH MEEEEEEEE~!" Nate wasn't helping either, especially since he started singing. Like wow, where did he get all that energy from?

"Princess." The maids called for me.

"Princcceesss~!" And you can probably guess who that was.

Great, now I have to make a decision. It's either staying here with the creepy maids or going with Nate and learning how to skin poor animals.

But let's be honest, I would rather go along with Nate than stay here with this trio.

Sighing, I turned back to the door and opened it. "Smelly prin- Oh, there you are!" Nate started yelling insults at the door but stopped as soon as he saw me. "Thought you would never open it again." He grinned.

"Shut up. You owe me big." I told him as I excused myself before closing the door behind me. I looked at Nate. "And did you just insult me?"

Nate scratched the back of his head and muttered, "Well, you wouldn't open the door so - ow!!" Nate hissed when I hit him. "Well, I guess I deserve that. Shall we get going?"

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