Chapter 6 Thalia

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At the entrance of the castle stood the queen and the servants, probably waiting for our arrival. I saw a man, maybe in his 40's, standing beside the queen. I'm guessing it's the king. Is that her king?

"Like it?" Prince Nate asked beside me as I marvelled at the place.

"Uh hu." I just nodded my head. "Are we gonna stay here?" I asked.

Dan got off the carriage. "Yep. Welcome to the Kingdom of Thalia." Just as he said that, Ren added. "The kingdom of magic."

Yea right. It does look magical.

I'm in love. For a brief moment, I even thought about wanting to live here. I raised a hand and slapped myself.

No. I shouldn't be blinded by the fanciness of the place.

"Here, let me help you down." Prince Fred said and helped me down on my feet. They guided me through the stone floor and up to the door.

"So, how do you find your NEW home?" The queen asked. A smile tugging on her lips when I didn't answer and instead, surveyed the surrounding with my eyes.

"I-" I started but the queen cut me off.

"Never mind. Dinner's almost ready. We have to dress you up. Ladies," the queen snapped her finger to the servants. "Bring her to her room and dress her up for dinner."

"Yes, my queen." The servants said at the same time.

When she said dress, that's when the spell of the castle broke. "Wait," I took a step back and almost fell off the stairs if Ren hadn't caught me. He helped me set my footing again. "What do you mean by get DRESS?!?!?"

The Queen and the servants had evil looks on their faces. I gulped. I don't mind wearing shorts, but dresses are a different story.

"When you said dress, you didn't mean....." I trailed off, knowing that the queen fully understood what I was about to say.

"Oh yes." With a single motion of the queen's hand, the servants tried to grab me, but I was fast.

I hid behind Ren since he was near me and used him as a wall between the servants. Since there were at least 5 of them, they got past Ren easily. A servant grabbed my cape and pulled it. I almost choked, but I untie it and the servant fell.


I ran to Nate next and hid behind him. "Sir Nate, you said that you were my knight in shining armor, right? Then do something and save me!!"

Nate had an amused look on his face. "As you wish, princess." He caught me off guard when he carried me bridal style. "I'll save you from the eyes of these men by giving you to these ladies to be dressed PROPERLY."


Instead of answering, he just winked and approached the servants.

"Oh Prince Nathaniel, thank you!" The girls sighed dreamily.

I flail wildly "Traitor!" I accused.

He pretended to be hurt by putting a hand to his heart. "My love, how you broke my heart."

"Look! A pretty lady." I pointed behind him.

"Where?!----- Umf!" When he looked behind him, I took the chance to get away but not before stomping on his foot. Serves him right.

I ran to Prince Fred next. "Prince Fred! You said that you're my Prince Charming, right? Help me!"

Prince Fred smiled. "Yes, Princess. I am your Prince Charming"

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